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Guest observer1

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Ha what really gets me with all of these Paul haters. Is they don't have a ACTUAL reason to hate him. Most of them just don't like the way he has sex, or say "Why is she with him?". Obviously he is doing something right if she is staying with him, my question is why is he with her. She is almost as psychotic as Isabel.

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Ha what really gets me with all of these Paul haters. Is they don't have a ACTUAL reason to hate him. Most of them just don't like the way he has sex, or say "Why is she with him?". Obviously he is doing something right if she is staying with him, my question is why is he with her. She is almost as psychotic as Isabel.


Really? Almost as psychotic as Isabel? Don't know what camera you watching but tell me how is she as psychotic as Isabel. Sure she has he outburst of anger and cries but if you lived with him you would too. I do not ever remember seeing her chase numb nuts around the apartment with a knife not that I wouldn't blame her if she did. Yeah you can add me to the Paul haters club not really hate just do not respect him. Of course I know them a little better than most on here.

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Also it is very normal for women to cry get mad ectt.  Their is on old saying around here you can't live with them and you can't live with out them.  I get the feeling that some posters have not dated had sex or where marred to one.  Just in joy the view and quit complaining about this or that.

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I can't speak for anyone but myself, I have lived with two women for awhile. They don't nearly as hostile and emotional as Leora. And for the whole marriage thing I'm 20 yrs old so I'm having fun just getting my fair share if college women and watching porn. For now.

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I can't speak for anyone but myself, I have lived with two women for awhile. They don't nearly as hostile and emotional as Leora. And for the whole marriage thing I'm 20 yrs old so I'm having fun just getting my fair share if college women. For now.

wow im missing out!  :P

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I did not give a reason for not liking him? Well, I will say that he's never done anything personally to me, obviously I do not know the man. I recognize many of you have been watching these two longer than I, and have formed your own "expert"opinions, which you guard quite ferociously I might add. I've read your comments, as much possible, trying to get a complete perspective. Your comments, along with my observations have led me to my opinion...which is that he has disgusting hygiene. THAT is my reason for questioning why they were still together. He might be the nicest guy in the world, I would just never shake his hand (he doesn't wash after using the bathroom, but I'm sure you noticed that too) Also on the list; he eats like a pig, dresses like a two year old picked out his clothes, picks enough dandruff in one setting two make a make a "dandruff snowball" to chunk in your general direction, etc... (as a side note, did I mention his perpetual slack-jaw "stupid as hell" look on his face) That was my only point, that he's kind of gross, and I just thought she could find someone better if she wanted to. If your opinion is different than mine, well I'm OK with agreeing to disagree. The last thing I wanted is to stir up the Paul lovers! GO PAUL...LONG LIVE PAUL!!! (just don't use that mouse of his, it's covered with buggers and who knows what!)

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Guest BurakYilmaz

She gets pissy when she doesn't get attention...about every two weeks she'l yell or cry, then Paul will give her 30 to 60 minutes of undivided attention... then she'l go back to life like nothing happened... promise you this will happen again in about 2 weeks...

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The only way Paul saves a child from drowning, is if the kid is eating a banana. (Hint, he's after THE BANANA!) I mean have all the defenders of Paul, actually watched him? He has similar behavior that you see in a ape, albeit a great ape. I'll give him that much! And I'm not being mean and just making stuff up. The way he constantly scratches and picks his scalp and other body parts, looking at what he's "picked" and then flicking it off. There must be a PILE of dandruff, buggers, toe jam, and fingernail bits and other DNA around the places he parks his ass,  for hours. The computer desk mainly! I'm sure that his favorite fantasy involves having Leora pick his scalp and body for him...a well known simian behavior pattern. So I guess anyone who speaks such truth about him is doing so out of jealousy? Maybe. She is sexy, and most guys would love to have a shot at her! But to be honest, being perplexed outweighs the jealousy. How DOES a guy like Paul even get a girl as hot as Leora, much less keep her over time!! And one more thing from "this was his first post guy", like that makes any difference. I am NOT putting him down for trying to have sex with Leora. In fact, I wish he was MORE successful in this regard. Those two actually having a robust sex life would be WAY more interesting than watching Paul on the computer. I can go to the zoo and the watch similar activity for way less than 29.95 a month!!!

How much is a monthly pass to the zoo?

It's $1 per month USD here at CC. I know. I paid it. Cheap entertainment. Stay away from the chimp cage; they love to toss their feces. Other than that minor inconvenience, CamCaps is the most cost-effective and efficient waste of time imaginable.  :D
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