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The Sharing Culture...

Guest observer1

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Guest observer1

Is it me?

This "sharing" culture seems to have got so into many people's heads that they feel they must share everything in the day to day minutiae of their sad, worthless little lives. 

Its the oxygen on which fucking Twitter and Facebook breathe, its the source for most of the worthless media "stories" we read (whatever happened to good journalism - now all they need to become a newspaper reporter is a Twitter account)  and worst of all it feeds the culture that thinks if they haven't got what they want then someone will provide it (usually via the internet but it applies to social security parasites too) for free.

Oh yes, and its the culture on forums like this that says others shall pay (RLC in this case) and provide them with videos and pictures so that they can spend every minute of their long days in front of the computer (....no, Paul not you, sit down and gaze lovingly at that bitching prick-tease Leora) exercising their right hands.  Most of you don't share that bit of your little lives do you?

Fuck the freeloaders, that what I say!

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Parasite? Someone mention my name? And using it in vain I might add. Shame on you.  >:(

I've been watching this board for a long time now and I finally had to say something. To watch these people beg for pictures, videos, passwords and even to go so far as to try and create software to hack into the cameras is, shall I say, quite amusing and distressing all at the same time.

It's a wonder you don't see people walking around with one arm bigger than the other for the workout they give it from spending their every waking moment on a computer. Get a girl. Or, if you're so inclined, get a boy. Your preference doesn't matter to me. But don't sit all alone yankin' your crank to a screen image.

The social media sites? What a joke that is! 'I'm going to the store. I'm going to take a shower. This is what's for dinner. See my s**t pile this morning? Look at the colors. I'll send this girl a picture of my little worm. Maybe she'll get excited and send me one of her snapper.'

Walking around screaming into a cell phone about absolutely nothing. And you can hear both sides of the conversation.

The people here? Some of you are outright GREAT. Others jump off of the cliff to conclusions before researching anything. A couple in an apartment go on vacation. The moment a duffle bag comes out, there is a new thread..."Oh, no. They're leaving. My world is in a shambles. There will never be another one like her/him." And the funny part is, you have no clue in the world what they are even saying to each other.

But I plead with someone who controls this board. Stop, STOP, this mentally challenged 'Nick', who can't spell, form a sentence and bad mouths everyone. Also the tbg150 guy and his racism and the Foamy Squirrel with his foul printing keyboard. Every other word is the 'F' word. Such intelligence wasted.

The non-English speakers? No worries. I simply skip over the thread. Generally it's not worth the time to translate anyway.

Always watching in the shadows.


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It is the Liberals!! All of it!! I don't know how it is but it just is! I'm scared and so should you be!  Fucking sharing Liberals and their Arab buddies I'm just glad I got a gun with some bullets and shit.

You heard it hear first folks, etc etc etc.

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I think the spirit of CC used to be based around sharing however.  Some people don't seem to understand that now anyone that shares stuff will lose their subscription.

I doubt any of the regular poster's main draw to coming on CC now is the latest pic of Leora cooking in the nude.  It's not mine any way, I much prefer the random outbursts by people, such as this thread, with its brilliant initial two rants by Observer and Parasite.  Can't say I agree with all of it but good work fellas!

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I agree with most of what was said above Just do not think, talk about or believe in politics.  I hate facebook, twitter and all the others.  To me a friend is someone you know in person, trust and and do things with and if he or she is a real good friend you tell them your secrets.

I love and miss our old board where we talked and guessed about the couples and what they were like and more.  Now it is begging, complaining and more BS then I need in life.

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So, according to you Parasite, people such as TBG, and Foamy Squirrel, shouldn't be allowed to post their own opinions or view points.  Isn't that a form of censorship, or discrimination on your part?

Ahh, the old "People take objection to me using the word nigger in a derogatory and inflammatory manner, I wish they would just stop oppressing me. I'm the victim here" defence?

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What?.. LOL    Now you don't like 'Old' people too?    Shall we ban them as well?   

Isn't that discriminatory?    I can't tell you how deeply offended I am by your use of that word 'Old'.

I am a hypersensitive banana that bruises very easily.  LOL   

You fucking hypocrites,.. Your so transparent as to the real reason behind your attack upon Squirrel and TBG, which is actually more in having to do with it being 'political' than for any so called pretense over it having to do with the word 'FUCK' being used by Foamy Squirrel, or Nigger by that of TBG.

But your so dishonest you have to try to disguise it in order to somehow float above upon a cloud as though you were somehow a blameless saint in life.    Yet the real truth is that had they both been good little liberal hypocrites such as yourself, you and Parasite never would have launched an attack upon them.     

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So, according to you Parasite, people such as TBG, and Foamy Squirrel, shouldn't be allowed to post their own opinions or view points.  Isn't that a form of censorship, or discrimination on your part?

Are you talking about  my post.  If so I do not understand please explain to me as I love are little squirrel, TBG and all our old dudes (DOB 1955)

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No, not your post.  I am referring to Parasite's and Aubrey's.

Maybe some of the others out there will never see eye to eye with them or myself.  But I happen to know that both of them are both good and decent people.  And you shouldn't just try to see them removed from this forum simply because they and others aren't on the same side of the fence as you might be politically.

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