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B4 - General Topic 2023 #4 (January)

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2 hours ago, FrankZabba said:

are you by any chance a rectal opening for the vile that protrudes from it?

your Harley is coming out more and more lately... 😁 

but this actually more creative funny than Harley would regurgitate

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2 hours ago, FrankZabba said:

ok, the talk of the town was that taylor was quoted saying she was going to fuck everyone in the villa during this tour of duty. who has she actually fucked during this stay?  the only one besides the tinder girl that i can recall reading about was elettra who has now been told to have been in a gang bang with 5 guys (why am i not surprised)! so now all eyes and ears on everything taylor and kristy say.  i sorry there moos54, if you want to believe what is happening between kristy and taylor as real, that's your prerogative but i'm not buying it.  kristy loves men way too much to settle down with an ugly bull dyke lesbian like taylor.  kristy is a showgirl, always has been and always will be!

toss Lilith in that group  and Tani will bend over in time be assured of that  ...maybe even Tim that 'Bum Boy'

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Working in the sex industry is no fun at all, and as Kristy

has also been on cams for several years, she's developed the

ability to put on a stone face. But her conversations with

Taylor in English reveals a completely normal person.

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4 hours ago, moos54 said:

I don't know if you see the difference between our two points of view, personally I see and hear what can happen on RLC with my subscription, while you only base yourself on the comments of forum members
I'm not sure that your opinion in this situation can be really relevant.

However, I'm not saying that I'm right about everything either and I don't think I talked about love either between Taylor and Kristy, but it is clear that there is something between them that goes beyond "shows" and "rlc"
Otherwise they would not plan to leave for several days to visit one or more cities in Spain together

I believe you had the same opinion when Holly and Thor first started dating and then joined the project as a couple, you always said that it was only for RLC's money that they did this and that they weren't a real couple

I can tell you that you were wrong about that so you can still be wrong about Taylor and Kristy's relationship

Are you still arguing with this freak @FrankZabba? He is nothing but a denier charlatan, he will continue to deny everything even if you present him with the evidence.

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