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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #3 Begins 1/22/23

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

A forum has the purpose of exchanging opinions. That doesn't happen here. Spying 1 little asshole posts unimportant and stupid messages here endlessly. However, he is unable to reply to sent messages.

If at all, then only with insults like NAZI, inbreeding and so on. How much longer will CC put up with this stupidity????? That's not a culture for "talking" in a serious forum. Bubi doesn't understand the system.

Suggestion: New category: Messages from stupid people - there would be spying 1 TOP.


And why should  CC put up with your stupidity?

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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Das Strafmass wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bekannt gegeben. Den Angeklagten droht eine bis zu 20-jährige Strafe.

Und wann steht Trump mit Handschellen und Fußfesseln vor Gericht ?? Oder ist diese USA juristische Bananenrepublik ???


Wonder how many of the people in that photo were undercover FBI agents?:dodgy: 

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And why should  CC put up with your stupidity?

DU und deine Idioten haben offenbar keine Ahnung wie ein FORUM  funktioniert. Meinung austauschen mit Worten aber nicht nur artfremde Dummheiten posten wie Dein ververser NAZI-Freund Spying 1

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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:

YOU and your idiots obviously have no idea how a FORUM works. Exchanging opinions with words, but not just posting unrelated stupidities like your inverted NAZI friend Spying 1

But the news articles that Spying1 posts are definitely related to U.S. Domestic Politics. YOU don't get to choose which U.S. Domestic Politics topics are and are not discussed on this Forum.

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4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Aber Sie haben kein Problem damit, dass Joe Biden geheime Dokumente besitzt, Heuchler!

Wen interessiert das ? Der Arsch von Trump hatte doch viele Kisten von geheimen Material zu Hause. Wir werden sehen was "geheim" oder "sehr geheim" war. Dieser Lügner von Trump hat kein Vorschuß an Vertrauen.


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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:

Who cares ? Trump's ass had a lot of boxes of classified material at home. We'll see what was "secret" or "very secret." This liar from Trump has no advance of trust.


But Trump as president had authority to declassify documents which he said he did. Biden as vice president or senator had no authority to declassify documents, so Biden had no right to possess the documents.

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