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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #4 Begins 1/31/23

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25 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!   In fact, Trump negotiated numerous trade agreements when he was president. But  in contrast to presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, Donald Trump negotiated trade agreements that did not sell out middle class Americans for the benefit of other nations and the wealthy of America.                                                And the one thing I do know about career "professional politicians" is that they are liars who are only concerned about furthering their political careers and don't give a damn about the people they are suppose to represent.


Falsch !!!! Unsinn durch deine "rosarote Trump-Brille" gesehen. Du bist verblendet. 

Gut "Demokratie" im Wortlaut gibt es nicht wirklich. Nur "repräsentatve Demokratie". Ich fühle mich von Beamten als Abgeordnete auch nicht "repräsentiert". Arbeiter, Angestellte, kleine Handwerker sind in den Parlamenten so gut wie nie vertreten - deshalb gibt es "Demokratie" pur nur auf dem Papier. Was wir Demokratie nennen ist aber immer noch die beste Gesellschaftsform, wenn auch verbesserungsfähig.


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38 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And if Trump had been elected there would have been no war in Ukraine. There is a war in Ukraine because Putin saw Biden as weak and incompetent.

DU wiederholst stereotyp ohne jeden Beweis oder Anhaltspunkt immer wieder den selben Unsinn, contra Biden und pro Looser-Stroh-Puppe von Trump. Putin hat den Schwächling von Trump doch nie ernst genommen. Schaue Dir Putins Gesicht an wenn er mit Trump zusammen traf. Höre bitte auf mit dem Schwachsinn, Du machst Dich lächerlich hier.


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On 2/6/2023 at 3:45 PM, StnCld316 said:

Trudeau is supposed to be left wing but he's definitely on the far right.  


New York City's mayor confirms the city is giving migrants free bus tickets to the Canadian...

Looks like StnCld316 is going to have some roommates 😳 

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9 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

YOU stereotypically repeat the same nonsense over and over without any proof or clue, contra Biden and pro Trump's looser straw doll. Putin never took Trump's weakling seriously. Look at Putin's face when he met Trump. Please stop with the nonsense, you are making a fool of yourself here.


You are the fool, not me. Putin invaded Georgia when George W. Bush was president, Putin invaded Crimea when Barack Obama was president, and Putin invaded Ukraine when Joe Biden was president. Putin invaded nowhere while Trump was president. "Look at Putin's face when he met Trump?" What a foolish stupid statement by you.

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