Cho Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 "Un seul être vous manque et tout est dépeuplé" (A. de Lamartine) "Jeden človek chýba a všetko je vyľudnené" (A. de Lamartine francúzsky básnik) "Only one missing and everything is depopulated" (A. de Lamartine)
gipfler Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Auf Grund der extremen Zeitunterschiede schläft das halbe Haus. Nebenbei dauert es mir schon zu lange mit dem Kameraausfall. Schaut verdammt verdächtig nach einem Auszug aus. Diana war auffällig still und ernst in letzter Zeit. Ich hoffe ich irre mich, aber Efim ist sicher nicht der richtige Partner für sie. In seiner Art noch inmitten der Pubertät, den Macho heraushängend. Sie, eine Vollblutfrau, das passt irgendwie nicht. :(
madwolf33 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 i love how people jump to conclusion. when they first got here and someone posted a pic of the red dress girl on here and they went offline for about 24 hours. everyone tried to blame everyone else. all I know is this is the only cam I really watch anymore. and with out it I don't ever care if I even get on the site. I check if its still down I leave.
love_slave Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Like I said earlier, I was watching them lay in bed reading, then checked in about 10 minutes later and the cams were offline, it wasn't until hours later that the "Under Maintenance" notice went up. This looks like simple hardware failure to me. Nothing out of the ordinary was going on just before the cams went offline.
van the man Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 I disagree with your observations. There was definitely an issue between the two of them. He was pretty much ignoring her even though they went to bed and were reading. They had both spent time out of the apartment on different nights. This, of course, doesn't mean something was wrong but I do think the atmosphere was different. I really hope I am wrong. As I said before without Diana the rest of RLC is boring beyond boring! Without Diana I have just wasted another months subscription!!!
casbert Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 I agree - I think there is more than "technical problems." I was on board when it failed and nothing happened other than rather cold between them. On the other hand, their cameras had been experiencing annoying pauses and freezes. But, I believe "technical issues" could be fixed by this time. Personal issues would take longer! We will see but they were the best of the group we have now!
van the man Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 Totally agree. I know the Russian economy is a communist wasteland but surely fixing a few cameras would take a few hours not a few days!! Come back Diana please is all I can say. No other apartment is worth watching. I hope she ditches Efim and gets together with a more adult man.
Cho Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 How the rumor spread by Van & Co.We can also imagine that RLC cuts the cams voluntarily to refocus looks to other couples. It must be admitted, Diana/Efim attract all eyes. Damn, now I have the rumor me too ! :o Stop making movies guys. Your words completely unfounded. Wait and see ! ;)
van the man Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 LOL!!! The whole point of this great forum is speculation!!! We all love to interpret what is going on with our RLC couples. Of course none of us actually know a thing about what is happening but the world would be a very boring place if none of us made a comment and instead just sat at our computers waiting! Speculate, make up stories, upset other forum members. Verbally fight with other members. Keep it civil and lets have fun! Jesus I miss Diana already!!!! My latest theory is she is pregnant by the long haired visitor and the girl visitor has revenge fucked Efim. Tall long haired visitor has smashed up Efim's double bass and Efim is sitting at his computer still playing games!! I am only speculating but I might be right!!!!
ARMY SNIPER Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 LOL!!! The whole point of this great forum is speculation!!! We all love to interpret what is going on with our RLC couples. Of course none of us actually know a thing about what is happening but the world would be a very boring place if none of us made a comment and instead just sat at our computers waiting! Speculate, make up stories, upset other forum members. Verbally fight with other members. Keep it civil and lets have fun! Jesus I miss Diana already!!!! My latest theory is she is pregnant by the long haired visitor and the girl visitor has revenge fucked Efim. Tall long haired visitor has smashed up Efim's double bass and Efim is sitting at his computer still playing games!! I am only speculating but I might be right!!!! Van i hope you ARE right,it would stir up the place a little bit. carry on my friend speculate some more...and about the other couple's as well. ;)
casbert Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 Frankly, I think we need to recruit Agent Dog - of Nastya fame - into the puzzle. He could show up at the door, under the guise of "begging for food" and I am sure Diana would take him in. His tail wagging, and an occasional groin scratch, would add a calming effect to both of them. Then... he could slip a remote camera into the bass fiddle for us. By the way, I do not recall seeing that bass fiddle when all the transmission went dead. The longer this goes on, I think the less chance of recovery. I agree with one of the writers this all MAY be a part of a RLC conspiracy to switch viewers to other cameras and "improve their ratings." cas
See Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 They are online again and just went to the cigarette.
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