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B4 - General Topic 2023 #16 (February / March)

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  • Die Mädchen, die momentan in #B$ ihren Aufenthalt nassauern, beherrschen das konsequente Nichtstun zur vollendeten Perfektion.
  • Sie bieten dem zahlenden Zuschauer in ihrer "RLC-Zirkus-Manage des realen Lebens" ein Feuerwerk der Langeweile

PS. Der Übersetzer verschiebt gelegentlich jeden Sinn der Worte, darum auch auf Deutsch.

  • The girls, who are currently staying in #B$ for free, have mastered consistent idleness to the utmost perfection.
  • They offer the paying viewer a firework display of boredom in their 'RLC management of real life'.
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OH NO GRisha was in Kitchen when I came here  and without any acknowledgement of  Aziza and Rani walks past them and is now just hanging out on their couch and the girls girls bolted to Aziza room   

Another douche hang about  bites the dust ..  

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3 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

OH NO GRisha was in Kitchen when I came here  and without any acknowledgement of  Aziza and Rani walks past them and is now just hanging out on their couch and the girls girls bolted to Aziza room   

Another douche hang about  bites the dust ..  

They are together the whole afternoon. 

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12 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

OH NO GRisha was in Kitchen when I came here  and without any acknowledgement of  Aziza and Rani walks past them and is now just hanging out on their couch and the girls girls bolted to Aziza room   

Another douche hang about  bites the dust ..  

and Aziza however ignored as he is in his phone  is with him 

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6 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

Azizza is in a tent on the couch with Grish  lol is she secretly masturbating  so weird  

so funny he keeps looking up at her tent ...going what a fkn fruit loop this one ... maybe not a keeper but a wham bam thank you man type ... just hit that thing Grish

and if not you too can leave like the other B7 Douchebags before you....

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11 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

Azizza is in a tent on the couch with Grish  lol is she secretly masturbating  so weird  

What's weird is the obsessive belief by some on this forum that any time a girl hides under a blanket she is masturbating 🙂  (Not saying that's what you're thinking, but there are some who do...)

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