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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #7 (Starts 2/25/23)

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Die Vereinigten Staaten wollen Taiwan zum Schutz gegen China ausrüsten. Zudem entsenden sie so viele Soldaten wie lange nicht.


Überall wo es in der Welt stinkt hat diese USA ihre Nase drin und versucht mit Waffen Probleme zu lösen - wie das amerikanische Volk auch: "Rambo-Wildwest-Staat mit Faustrecht". "Führungsmacht der Welt ?" Eine Lachnummer - Staat ohne Freunde, wie Deutschland auch, wir werden nur benutzt und dann - "kennen wir uns ?" - weg geworfen.

Deutschland ist inzwischen der einzige treue Partner der USA - Briten kann man vergessen, ein Staat in Agonie mit Träumen von Gro0macht. LOL, LOL 😁


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15 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Joe Biden is repositioning the United States as the leading power in the fight against Putin – proving to be a godsend for the democracies of Europe.


Biden is great for the cowardly Europeans, but terrible for America. Trump would have made NATO and Europe pay their fair share of the fight against Putin, but Biden is more than happy to have Americans to pay for the bulk of support for Ukraine. Biden has made America Europe's paternalistic Uncle Sam. Biden believes in "Europe First" and America Last." No wonder the socialist/Marxist leaders and news media of Europe love Joe Biden. :dodgy:

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20 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Trump's corruption and his political stupidity was better??? And what rich rep is without corruption???


Calling Trump corrupt is another of your many baseless accusations for which you have no proof. If Biden were investigated to the degree that Trump has been investigated, Joe Biden would spend the rest of his life in a federal prison.

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28 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Biden is great for the cowardly Europeans, but terrible for America. Trump would have made NATO and Europe pay their fair share of the fight against Putin, but Biden is more than happy to have Americans to pay for the bulk of support for Ukraine. Biden has made America Europe's paternalistic Uncle Sam. Biden believes in "Europe First" and America Last." No wonder the socialist/Marxist leaders and news media of Europe love Joe Biden. :dodgy:


Eine Summe von Unsinn, der ist es nicht wert ist darauf zu antworten. Der Traum von Traumtänzer Trump "Amerika first" sitzt bei Rep-nationalen Menschen ohne Gehirn offenbar tief. Europa ist zerstritten, gut, oder nicht gut, aber ohne Europa (wie das Trump versucht hat) ist diese USA alleine nicht überlebensfähig, nicht autark. Ohne Stützpunkte in Deutschland hätte diese USA KEINEN Krieg im Nahen Osten führen können. In der EU gibt es keiner Marxisten, falls Du weist was das überhaupt ist. Orban in Ungarn ist ein Despot, kein Marxist.

Trump ist ein Vollidiot mit falscher Träumer-Politik (Inhalt von Politik ist doch Rätsel für diesen US-Affen) - Biden weiß mit seiner politischen Erfahrung und Klugheit das diese USA Europa zum Überleben braucht, das tote Britannien nicht unbedingt.


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9 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

It is not the first time that the Supreme Court has suggested that President Biden has...


Maybe if those loudmouth protesters spent more time working and less time protesting they could earn enough money to pay for their worthless "Black Studies" college degrees.  Joe Biden says we have a booming economy, so it should be easy for them to find employment. 

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24 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And exactly how is the dictator Biden going to do that?:huh:


Diktator Biden ? DU bist ein totaler Narr - ziehe endlich Deinen Kopf aus Trumps Arsch heraus und versuche klar zu denken. Viel Erfolg !!


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9 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

It is not the first time that the Supreme Court has suggested that President Biden has...


What's next, people parading in front of the U.S. Supreme Court with signs that say, "Cancel Home Mortgages"  or "Cancel Auto Loan Debt"? :biggrin:  

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8 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Maybe if those loudmouth protesters spent more time working and less time protesting they could earn enough money to pay for their worthless "Black Studies" college degrees.  Joe Biden says we have a booming economy, so it should be easy for them to find employment. 


Du hast offenbar null Verstand für Grundrechte in demokratischer Kultur - nur Sicht für Kapitalisten-Scheisse. Und da redest gerade DU von "Arbeiterklasse" ??? Schäme Dich Du lügender Narr.

Jetzt kommt von Deinen Affen vermutlich wieder Nazi, Juden und diese bekannte Leier, da ihr Dummies keine anderen Argumente habt. Traurig. Oder das geht mich nichts an - auch traurig.



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7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


A sum of nonsense not worth answering. The dream of dream dancer Trump "America first" apparently runs deep among Rep-national people without a brain. Europe is divided, good or bad, but without Europe (as Trump tried to do) this USA cannot survive on its own, it is not self-sufficient. Without bases in Germany, this USA could NOT have waged a war in the Middle East. There are no Marxists in the EU, if you know what that is. Orban in Hungary is a despot, not a Marxist.

Trump is a complete idiot with false dreamer politics (the content of politics is a mystery for this US monkey) - Biden, with his political experience and wisdom, knows that this USA needs Europe to survive, not necessarily dead Britain.


Save your ignorant propaganda for other European fools like you.

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2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


You obviously have zero understanding of basic rights in a democratic culture - only a view of capitalist shit. And you're talking about "working class"??? Shame on you lying fool.


Forcing someone else to pay for YOUR legally contracted loan is a "basic right in a democratic culture?":cry:

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