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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 10 (starts 03/27/23)

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17 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


 Don't people in the USA have any other worries??? Apparently, DeSantis has no more in mind than Trump.

I guess you would have no problem with a biological male transgender who still has a dick taking a shower with your wife or teenage daughter. That's what is happening in our health clubs and schools.

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19 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


"Freedom of expression" is ok - but "glorification / trivialization" of violence is a criminal offence. "Because of new videos" you still explain the act of violence on January 6th, 2021 as a "peaceful Sunday outing" or an open day in the Capitol.


No, some people were violent and deserve to be prosecuted for that violence. But most of the people were not violent and should only be prosecuted for trespassing, and not be sentenced to years in prison for just entering the Capitol Building and walking around.

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18 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


The criminal offense of falsely declaring hush money as legal fees and tax evasion and violation of election finance laws has been reported in various media. There should be a total of 30 criminal offenses against Trump - I don't know any more.

Paying hush money alone is not punishable in the USA, but tricks and lies were apparently used here. And that sparked an investigation.


The news media is reporting? How can the news media know what crimes are in the indictment when the indictment is sealed and charged crimes will not be known until Trump appears in court and the indictment is unsealed and read by the judge.   YESTERDAY I WATCHED TRUMP'S ATTORNEY ON TV AND HE STRAIGHT FORWARD STATED THERE WAS NEVER ANY TAX DOCUMENT FILED WITH THE IRS NOR NEW YORK THAT CLAIMED THE PAYMENT TO STORMY DANIELS WAS A LEGAL FEE.  So the people in the news media are just blowing air out their assholes based upon pure speculation, and you are dumb enough to believe it all.  And if info from the indictment has been leaked to the news media, the person who leaked is subject to spending up to five years in prison for the leak. Wonder if Alvin Bragg will investigate the leak, or is he the one that did the leaking?

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18 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Obviously you didn't understand the report. It is a scandal when politicians in Congress interfere in ongoing investigations by the prosecutor's office and demand documents. They have no right to do that. Your judiciary is "independent" of politics - with us, however, there is no political election of public prosecutors. The Watergate prosecutor has also condemned interference by politicians and ruled out a right of access to the files.

With his letter, Bragg rejected interference from politicians, but did not threaten anyone. The one who can read is in advantage.


Stncld posted the article which clearly stated that Bragg had "warned" Congress. Again you are wrong. Congress has a right to request documents to see if the White House and DOJ  assisted in the investigation of Trump by Alvin Bragg.

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18 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Nonsense. In all sorts of reports I read of 5 deaths in connection with the violent storming of the Capitol



5 people died in the violent storming of the Capitol, including a police officer. The causes of death are now known.



That is an outright provable lie. No wonder your mind is so fucked up with the garbage you read in your news media. If this is an example of journalism in Germany, your news media is a joke.

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19 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Obviously you didn't understand the report. It is a scandal when politicians in Congress interfere in ongoing investigations by the prosecutor's office and demand documents. They have no right to do that. Your judiciary is "independent" of politics - with us, however, there is no political election of public prosecutors. The Watergate prosecutor has also condemned interference by politicians and ruled out a right of access to the files.

With his letter, Bragg rejected interference from politicians, but did not threaten anyone. The one who can read is in advantage.


Yes, judiciary is SUPPOSE to be free of politics, but it is not. This prosecution by Bragg is totally political. If Trump were not running for president these charges would have never been filed.The raid inn Mara-a-lago was political, the 2 impeachments were political, the Mueller investigation was political, and the Jan.6 hearings were political. 

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19 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Obviously you didn't understand the report. It is a scandal when politicians in Congress interfere in ongoing investigations by the prosecutor's office and demand documents. They have no right to do that. Your judiciary is "independent" of politics - with us, however, there is no political election of public prosecutors. The Watergate prosecutor has also condemned interference by politicians and ruled out a right of access to the files.

With his letter, Bragg rejected interference from politicians, but did not threaten anyone. The one who can read is in advantage.


"The Watergate prosecutor has also condemned interference by politicians and ruled out a right of access to the files?"  Leon Jaworski was the Watergate prosecutor and he died in 1982, so I doubt he has said anything about this case. :biggrin:

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20 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Like many other US wars, the Vietnam War provoked by the USA was a completely unnecessary and unsuccessful war for this USA. Only successful for US arms industry.


But Joe Biden is in favor of the U.S. being involved in wars, but was unwilling to go fight himself. And it was two presidents of Joe Biden's political party that got us involved in Vietnam.

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19 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


The criminal offense of falsely declaring hush money as legal fees and tax evasion and violation of election finance laws has been reported in various media. There should be a total of 30 criminal offenses against Trump - I don't know any more.

Paying hush money alone is not punishable in the USA, but tricks and lies were apparently used here. And that sparked an investigation.


"Violation of election finance laws" is a federal offense, Alvin Bragg as the Manhattan prosecutor has no authority to charge anyone with a federal crime. Plus, the Federal Election Commission already investigated the payment to Stormy Daniels and ruled there was no election law violation. Also, Hillary Clinton's campaign was found guilty of violating federal election laws when she used campaign money to pay $10 million for the Steele Dossier. The DNC was fined $105,000 and the Clinton campaign was fined $8000, BUT NOT ONE PERSON WAS PROSECUTED .

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20 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


"Banana Republic" is this USA long before Bragg. Should I really enumerate these many reasons for this again?

Fraud , tax evasion, violation of the election finance law - 30 counts in total - are not trivial . There is public interest in prosecuting punishment. "Banana Republic"  even more if US judiciary were NOT investigated just because Trump was once US President. The fact that proceedings have still not been initiated because of January 6th, 2021 is not the only thing that amazes me. 😁


And leaking the contents of a sealed indictment to the news media is also not a trivial violation of the law. But the leak will never be investigated and the leaker will never be prosecuted.

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