StarLight28 Posted April 3, 2023 Author Posted April 3, 2023 6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Genauso wie Sie zweimal das Bild eines bösen Mannes gepostet haben, der ein Kind schlägt. ..... an 2 verschiedene Gören, welche mit ihren haßerfüllte dummen Kommentaren am Thema vorbei offensichtlich nicht erwachsen werden können.
Ridgerunner Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 8 hours ago, StarLight28 said: USA - back to their Stone Age ?? Just like the reference by gun enthusiasts to this 1793 constitution. As early as the 19th century , the American engineer with German roots, Herman Hollerith, developed a machine named after him that made it possible to carry out a census in the USA inexpensively in 1890 . At that time a technical revolution - and today ?? "Dangerous" ? Not forgery-proof ? Just because Trump has no idea about technology and always dreams of "black forces" pursuing him. This Hollerith machine was the forerunner of today's data processing. HH was with IBM for many years . Punch cards were still being used successfully in numerical machine tools in the 1960s and 1970s. Unsure ? No - technical innovation to produce parts faster and better, less labor intensive than before. And therefore much cheaper . Herman Hollerith - The punching machine as a forerunner of the computer WWW.DEUTSCHLANDFUNK.DE 125 years ago, Herman Hollerith received the patent for his electromechanical punch card machine. A motor of the development were American censuses. Hollerith has since been considered the father of... Yeah, we had a great experience in the 2000 presidential election because of computer punch cards in the state of Florida.
Ridgerunner Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 6 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Where Donald Trump is in the sights of the judiciary WWW.DW.COM Trump became the first US President in history to be charged with paying hush money to a porn actress. It's not the only case where he faces legal trouble. A... How does this ignorant German publication know what Trump has been charged with since the indictment is sealed and will not be made public by the court until Tuesday, April 4?
StarLight28 Posted April 3, 2023 Author Posted April 3, 2023 1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said: Yeah, we had a great experience in the 2000 presidential election because of computer punch cards in the state of Florida. Technik ist toll, doch Menschen mit krimineller Energie können mit Maschinen aber auch mit Papier-Zetteln betrügen. Wichtig ist ein System der gegenseitigen Kontrolle - in Deutschland ist das bekannt und wird erfolgreich seit 1945 durchgeführt. "Wahlbetrug" war hier nie ein Thema. Trump ist einfach nur krank und geistesgestört, der sich permanent verfolgt fühlt. So einen kranken Typen haben wir zum Glück nicht.
StarLight28 Posted April 3, 2023 Author Posted April 3, 2023 Vor 6 Minuten sagte Ridgerunner: Woher weiß diese ignorante deutsche Veröffentlichung, was Trump vorgeworfen wird, da die Anklageschrift versiegelt ist und vom Gericht erst am Dienstag, dem 4. April, veröffentlicht wird? Du wiederholst Dich, diese Aussage schon 5 mal - nun warte doch bis Dienstag und geile Dich nicht unnötig auf. In ein paar Tagen sind wir alle ein Stück klüger - oder auch nicht.
Ridgerunner Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 3 hours ago, SPYING 1 said: Chinese spy balloon was able to transmit information back to Beijing | CNN Politics WWW.CNN.COM The Chinese spy balloon that transited the US earlier this year was able to capture imagery... And the Biden Administration and their minions in the Pentagon lied to the American people when they said that transmissions back to China from the balloon had been blocked by U.S. intelligence agencies.
Ridgerunner Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: And what about the millions of immigrants from Europe and Asia ????? Everybody touch your own nose, migrant state-USA. There is a difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration. 1
StarLight28 Posted April 3, 2023 Author Posted April 3, 2023 4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: And the Biden Administration and their minions in the Pentagon lied to the American people when they said that transmissions back to China from the balloon had been blocked by U.S. intelligence agencies. Vergesse diesen ganzen Ballon-Unsinn. USA, Briten und Israeli sind Weltmeister in der Spionage. Fasst Euch an eure Nase - und gut ist. Löst eure inneren US-Rassen-Probleme - und nicht immer diese untauglichen "Neben-Kriegsschauplätze".
Ridgerunner Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 24 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: What do you want ? This is a balanced report with no bias. A sober description of the facts surrounding the current Trump trial. no reason to cheer for Biden. Which he will not do either, since Biden is an experienced and mellow American politician. "no bias"? LMAO No wonder your mind is so fucked up.
StarLight28 Posted April 3, 2023 Author Posted April 3, 2023 5 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: There is a difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration. Das ist Schutzbehauptung. Auch Europäer sind nicht alle legal eingewandert ! Und haben dann doch Karriere gemacht und wurden Amerikaner. Zweierlei Maß.
Ridgerunner Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 24 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: ..... to 2 different brats who obviously can't grow up with their hateful stupid comments on the subject. But your hateful stupid comments are just fine, right? 1
Ridgerunner Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 82% of Americans believe the U.S. news media is the biggest cause of political division in the country.
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