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US Domestic Polititics (2023) # 12 (04/09/23)

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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



The 80-year-old Biden appears cheerful in Ireland, the homeland of his ancestors. Politically sensitive was his short visit to Northern Ireland. 


Looks like Biden is more popular in Ireland and Europe than he is in the U.S.  Probably because his economic policies have sold out American workers to Europe.

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


I see it differently. Criminal acts must be prosecuted in a constitutional state. Whether ex-president or not. The suspicion of the legal "banana republic" has existed with me for a long time, as you know. Now a spark of honesty - and I find that honest and good. There's more to come. Trump is just an overbearing criminal type. And something like that as US President ??? The first attempt failed miserably. Now again ??? How stupid would Americans have to be??? 😁

 Your analysis is laughable and so dishonest.  You are just an establishment man. So when is Joe Biden and his family going to be prosecuted for their crimes?

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2 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

On Sunday, San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich claimed that Second Amendment freedoms are “a myth” and slammed Republican...

This scumbag must be related to that worthless piece of shit NAZI starlight28

The NBA has become nothing more than a tool of the Chinese Communist Party. The NBA has sold it's soul for the possibility of earning big money in China. 

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


This is stupid stuff. Did Biden orchestrate the invasion of Ukraine and drastically cut energy and goods thereby raising prices???? NO.

Americans have been living beyond their means with fuel prices for 50 years, 80% below EU levels. USA lost their last wars miserably - without being able to plunder these countries - like before. These are reasons why this USA is as good as insolvent and broke. A war against China now last hope ????? The saber-rattling in the conflict over "Taiwan" indicates this. "Little Napoleon" from France might be right after all, USA and China are not a problem for Europe.


Fuck the EU. The last thing America needs is to become more like the failing EU. Keep your fucking socialist/Marxism in Europe. We need to stop Biden and the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats from bringing the sick EU ideology to America.

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2 hours ago, blue is the colour said:

Good old Fridgeraider blames Mr Biden  for the USA inflation rate no it is not Mr Biden's policies it is a world wide recession and nobody is immune from it.

Inflation in U.S. was caused by overspending by government and printing of money by the Biden Administration.  The beginning of a recession in the U.S. is a result of Federal Reserve raising interest rates to battle inflation.

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41 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Kein texanischer Richter. Ein Bundesrichter in Texas. Der Richter ist nicht Teil des Rechtssystems des Bundesstaates Texas.


Texas-Richter, Bundes-Richter - natürlich ist das Kompliziert bei den vielen Bundesstaaten. Was gilt nun wo ? Ziehe um und wähle den Staat, der Dir rechtlich gefällt  ??? Arme USA. 


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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


It is known that I think Joe Biden is a very capable politician and diplomat. Still, I don't think it's a good idea to run for president again. In doing so, he may destroy his well-established reputation. Biological clocks just keep ticking. Still fit at 80, ok - but what about tomorrow???

The same is true for Trump - only a few years younger - but mentally quite obviously many years older and dafter than President Joe Biden. 😁


You are either totally insane or a fool if you believe Trump is "mentally quite obviously many years older and dafter than President Joe Biden."   90% of Americans would laugh at you for that ridiculous statement.

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2 hours ago, blue is the colour said:

So very true but what Democrat can run for President Kamala Harris?

Why don't you run? You are just as dumb as the other potential Democrat candidates.  Your 25 IQ makes you well qualified to run as the Democratic Party candidate.:tongue:

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Sie sind entweder völlig verrückt oder ein Narr, wenn Sie glauben, Trump sei "geistig ganz offensichtlich viele Jahre älter und bescheuerter als Präsident Joe Biden". 90 % der Amerikaner würden Sie für diese lächerliche Aussage auslachen.


Was DU denkst und publizierst ist nicht interessant. Trump benimmt sich seit vielen Jahren wie ein voller Idiot - Sorry. Und DU mit ihm. 😁


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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


"Democrats" have to decide that among themselves - their opportunity to change the guard against a criminal Rep candidate and a divided Rep party is good. 


Your statements about politics in America are so juvenile and uninformed, and you actually believe you are such an expert. If you were actually informed about politics in America you would know of the Democrat politicians who are leaving the Democratic Party to become Republicans or Independents because their party has become too left wing. So Democrats have their own divisions and rejections of"woke" far left wing  policies within their party.

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