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Three Apartments in one building

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I just figured out for sure that there are at lease three apartments in the same building. This morning there was some construction noise (coming from the building somewhere). All three Apartments had the same noise. The apartments are 1) Diana and Efim. 2) Sofia and Roman. 3) Katya and Roman.

That's Interesting for me. :)

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Having apartment number 3 with Katya and Roman is interesting for me two. Did not know Roman was having fun with Katya. :p

There are some topics with the same subject, please look for them and get to know more about what you wrote. Some got really good information.

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Actually all apartments are all located on a back lot  in Hollywood same place were the moon landing was filmed. Timezones are there to throw you off.

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Then maybe we can conclude that the apartments which are on the same time zone are in the same building. Make sense??

Easier to wire a single building, and connect to a local computer hub before you distribute the network but is not compulsory...

More convenient also for the conspiracy theory ! :D

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I just figured out for sure that there are at lease three apartments in the same building. This morning there was some construction noise (coming from the building somewhere). All three Apartments had the same noise. The apartments are 1) Diana and Efim. 2) Sofia and Roman. 3) Katya and Roman.

That's Interesting for me. :)

You mean # 3 Katya and Ruslan not Katya and Roman.

bueno creo que debo de decirte que yo he comprobado justo lo contrario en mas de una ocasion,lo que te puedo asegurar es que los tres no al menos,justo seria que con el paso del tiempo en alguna ocasion estuvieran reunidos en algun piso y no se ha dado, Alma visitaba frecuentemente a Isabel y esta a Alma,por otra parte los edificios suelen tener las viviendas iguales,de mas o menos dormitorios,pero los pisos de rlc por lo menos los que vemos no se parecen en nada,saludos a todos.
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I just figured out for sure that there are at lease three apartments in the same building. This morning there was some construction noise (coming from the building somewhere). All three Apartments had the same noise. The apartments are 1) Diana and Efim. 2) Sofia and Roman. 3) Katya and Roman.

That's Interesting for me. :)

Yes. RLC leases apartments in the same complex in order that they can procure better lease rates and save themselves maintenance costs.
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