pulo filipe Posted May 19, 2023 Posted May 19, 2023 High-speed BMW crash that killed 14-year-old NYC girl captured in... NYPOST.COM The clip, posted to Citizen, shows the deadly crash that unfolded around 6:40 p.m. Wednesday...
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StarLight28 Posted May 19, 2023 Posted May 19, 2023 6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Warum gibt es also so viele dicke Menschen? Und wie kann es sein, dass die Menschen kein Geld haben, um Lebensmittel zu kaufen, wenn laut „Judas Joe“ Biden die Wirtschaft boomt, wir eine der niedrigsten Arbeitslosenquoten in der Geschichte haben und es zahlreiche offene Stellen gibt. Und wenn es so viele arme Menschen im Land gibt, die nicht genug zu essen haben, warum nehmen wir dann Millionen armer Einwanderer auf, die wir ernähren müssen? Du erwartest ein Allheil-Rezept von mir ? In Summe ist es ein "Verteilungs-Problem". Wer mit dem golden Löffel im Maul und üppigem Erbe geboren wird hat es leicht das Geld für sich arbeiten zu lassen ohne schmutzige Hände zu bekommen - und er kann trotzdem wie ein Fürst leben. Siehe Trump. Andere Menschen stammen aus armen Verhältnissen, sind fleißig und arbeiten und es reicht gerade so für ein bescheidenes Leben ohne Kriminalität. Einige dieser Gruppe schaffen es mit Glück mehr Eigentum zu erwerben - diese Gruppe wird immer geringer, während der Anteil von Multi- Millionären und - Milliardären stark größer wird. Schwarze Menschen wurden über Generationen als rechtlose Sklaven gehandelt. Als diese Menschen Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts ihre "Freiheit" erhielten wurden "Besitzer der Sklaven" vom Staat entschädigt - zuvor ausgebeutete Sklaven selber wurden ohne Kapital und Grundlage in ein eigenes Leben ohne soziale Hilfe geschickt. Das sind keine fairen Bedingungen. Dadurch ist diese inhomogene US-Gesellschaft immer noch krank. "Dicke Menschen" sind oft nur mit teurem Fast-Food-Mist falsch und einseitig ernährt und werden krank. Wirtschaft boomt, auch durch (sozialistische) Subventions-Programme, welche Firmen noch reicher machen, doch ganz arme profitieren davon , da es kaum Kündigungs-Schutz und andere "soziale" Sicherungs-Systeme gibt. Nur einseitige Gewinn-Maximierung - Reps wollen nichts anderes. Deine "Arbeiterklasse" gerät in Konkurrenz mit noch ärmeren Bevölkerungsteilen, wie Hispanier und Flüchtlinge und wird zu Verlierern.
StarLight28 Posted May 19, 2023 Posted May 19, 2023 7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Aber bist du es, der homosexuelle Wünsche hat? Das ist nicht mein Thema, sexuell anders gepolte Menschen haben in gewissen Rahmen für ihre schwierige Situation und Leidensdruck mein Verständnis und ich schütte keine Verachtung über sie aus. Ich bin froh ein ganz normaler Hetero-Mensch zu sein. Ich habe mit dem Thema nicht begonnen. Es ist immer wieder SPYING 1, der mit dummen Bemerkungen und Fotos über Trans, Homo, Nazi sich hier wichtig macht - und Du unterstützt ihn noch dabei. Das ist alles nur als persönliche Beleidigung angelegt. Wer so etwas immer wieder tut und nicht lernen kann, muß dann auch Quittung und Reaktion ertragen können. Auch immer diese dummen und kindlichen Herabsetzung von "Demokraten" als sozialistisch-kommunistisch liberal, so als würden diese Menschen alle auf der Straße vegetieren und "Republikaner" wären Herren-Rasse. Das ist dumme Verallgemeinerung. Zum anderen ist es einfach Fakt das diese Rep-Partei in den letzten Jahren in Tendenz und Verhalten rechts-radikal-nationalistisch ur-kapitalistisch am Volk vorbei geworden ist. Im 2 - Lagerkampf wird diese USA sich nicht hin zu einen menschenfreundlichen Staat entwickeln können. Dieses "Mehrheits-Wahl-System" verhärtet Fronten bis hin zu Gewalt und Bürgerkrieg. Der Überfall auf das Kapitol war schon ein erster Beginn. Im Geiste kranke Menschen soll man keine Chance zur "Macht-Ergreifung" geben ! Es kann schnell zu spät sein ! 😁
StarLight28 Posted May 19, 2023 Posted May 19, 2023 USA: Warum es in den USA so viele Schusswaffen und Waffengewalt gibt WWW.FAZ.NET Immer mehr Amerikaner sterben durch Waffengewalt, besonders in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2023. Der Soziologe Jonathan Metzl aus Tennessee hofft auf die Einsicht der Jugend.
Ridgerunner Posted May 19, 2023 Author Posted May 19, 2023 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: You expect a cure-all recipe from me? In sum, it is a "distribution problem". Born with a golden spoon in their mouth and a lavish inheritance, it's easy to make money work for you without getting your hands dirty - and still live like a prince. See Trump. Other people come from poor backgrounds, are industrious and work and it is just enough for a modest life without crime. Some of this group are lucky enough to acquire more property - this group is becoming smaller and smaller, while the proportion of multi-millionaires and billionaires is greatly increasing. Black people were traded as lawless slaves for generations. When these people received their "freedom" in the middle of the 19th century, the "owners of the slaves" were compensated by the state - previously exploited slaves themselves were sent to live their own lives without social assistance without capital or a basis. These are not fair conditions. As a result, this inhomogeneous US society is still sick. "Fat people" are often only fed wrong and one-sidedly with expensive fast-food crap and get sick. The economy is booming, also due to (socialist) subsidy programs that make companies even richer, but the very poor benefit from this, since there is hardly any protection against dismissal and other "social" security systems. One-sided profit maximization only - Reps don't want anything else. Your "working class" will compete with even poorer sections of the population, such as Hispanics and refugees, and become the losers. Sounds to me like more of your liberal progressive socialist/Marxist propaganda. None of it makes any sense.
Ridgerunner Posted May 19, 2023 Author Posted May 19, 2023 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: That's not my issue, people with different sexual orientations have, to a certain extent, my understanding for their difficult situation and suffering, and I don't pour any contempt on them. I'm glad to be a normal straight person. I didn't start the topic. It's always SPYING 1 who makes himself important here with stupid comments and photos about trans, homo, Nazi - and you still support him. It's all just a personal insult. Anyone who does something like this over and over again and cannot learn it must then also be able to endure a receipt and a reaction. Also always this stupid and childish disparagement of "democrats" as socialist-communist liberal, as if these people were all vegetating on the street and "republicans" were the master race. That's stupid generalization. On the other hand, it is simply a fact that this Rep party has over the past few years in tendency and behavior right-wing radical nationalist ur-capitalist passed the people. In the 2 camp struggle, this USA will not be able to develop into a philanthropic state. This "majority election system" hardens fronts to the point of violence and civil war. The raid on the Capitol was a first beginning. People who are mentally ill should not be given a chance to "seize power"! It can quickly be too late! 😁 But the Democratic Party has become the party of liberal progressive socialist/Marxists. The mentally ill people in America reside in the Democratic Party.
Ridgerunner Posted May 19, 2023 Author Posted May 19, 2023 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said: You expect a cure-all recipe from me? In sum, it is a "distribution problem". Born with a golden spoon in their mouth and a lavish inheritance, it's easy to make money work for you without getting your hands dirty - and still live like a prince. See Trump. Other people come from poor backgrounds, are industrious and work and it is just enough for a modest life without crime. Some of this group are lucky enough to acquire more property - this group is becoming smaller and smaller, while the proportion of multi-millionaires and billionaires is greatly increasing. Black people were traded as lawless slaves for generations. When these people received their "freedom" in the middle of the 19th century, the "owners of the slaves" were compensated by the state - previously exploited slaves themselves were sent to live their own lives without social assistance without capital or a basis. These are not fair conditions. As a result, this inhomogeneous US society is still sick. "Fat people" are often only fed wrong and one-sidedly with expensive fast-food crap and get sick. The economy is booming, also due to (socialist) subsidy programs that make companies even richer, but the very poor benefit from this, since there is hardly any protection against dismissal and other "social" security systems. One-sided profit maximization only - Reps don't want anything else. Your "working class" will compete with even poorer sections of the population, such as Hispanics and refugees, and become the losers. When reality doesn't support your original argument you just make up more bullshit to explain the away the discrepancies. Typical ploy of professional politicians.
Ridgerunner Posted May 19, 2023 Author Posted May 19, 2023 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said: You expect a cure-all recipe from me? In sum, it is a "distribution problem". Born with a golden spoon in their mouth and a lavish inheritance, it's easy to make money work for you without getting your hands dirty - and still live like a prince. See Trump. Other people come from poor backgrounds, are industrious and work and it is just enough for a modest life without crime. Some of this group are lucky enough to acquire more property - this group is becoming smaller and smaller, while the proportion of multi-millionaires and billionaires is greatly increasing. Black people were traded as lawless slaves for generations. When these people received their "freedom" in the middle of the 19th century, the "owners of the slaves" were compensated by the state - previously exploited slaves themselves were sent to live their own lives without social assistance without capital or a basis. These are not fair conditions. As a result, this inhomogeneous US society is still sick. "Fat people" are often only fed wrong and one-sidedly with expensive fast-food crap and get sick. The economy is booming, also due to (socialist) subsidy programs that make companies even richer, but the very poor benefit from this, since there is hardly any protection against dismissal and other "social" security systems. One-sided profit maximization only - Reps don't want anything else. Your "working class" will compete with even poorer sections of the population, such as Hispanics and refugees, and become the losers. So people are fat because they are "often only fed wrong and one-sidedly with expensive fast-food crap and get sick." So if people have money to buy "expensive fast-food crap" then they have money to buy healthy food. If they are not intelligent enough to eat healthy food instead of fast-food crap that is their problem. And now Michelle Obama is making money for herself promoting "Plezi" fruit juice that is basically sugar water. Is Michelle Obama a Republican?
SPYING 1 Posted May 19, 2023 Posted May 19, 2023 14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: When reality doesn't support your original argument you just make up more bullshit to explain the away the discrepancies. Typical of ploy of professional politicians. Electric Vehicles Are Draining Billions From Profitable ICE Legacy Automakers With Ford Projecting $3 Billion in Losses FINANCE.YAHOO.COM There's nothing cheap about developing, manufacturing, delivering and investing in the... When you go Woke you go broke
SPYING 1 Posted May 19, 2023 Posted May 19, 2023 Bud Light mocked for $20 rebate on $19.98 case of beer: 'They're... NYPOST.COM "Things can't be going great if they're basically giving it away..." one Twitter user observed.
Ridgerunner Posted May 19, 2023 Author Posted May 19, 2023 50 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: Bud Light mocked for $20 rebate on $19.98 case of beer: 'They're... NYPOST.COM "Things can't be going great if they're basically giving it away..." one Twitter user observed. Probably need to give it away before it gets old sitting in their warehouses.
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