Ridgerunner Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 13 hours ago, StarLight28 said: He brags about guns live at the strip club - it's costing him millions WWW.MSN.COM Yes Morant once again presents himself as a gun nut. With his behavior he risks ruining his promising career. Another one of the brilliant 81 million who voted for "Judas Joe" Biden.
Ridgerunner Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 9 hours ago, SPYING 1 said: Citing migrant influx, New York mayor asks court to suspend long-standing 'right to shelter' | AP News APNEWS.COM NEW YORK (AP) — New York's mayor asked a judge on Tuesday to let the city suspend its... Why doesn't this damn fool Democrat mayor not address the real problem and put pressure on "Judas Joe" Biden to close the southern border and then there wouldn't be no illegal immigrants coming into the country.
Ridgerunner Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 8 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Nach wie vor werden hier im Forum Dummheiten verbreitet. Weiße US-Menschen mit ihrer Cowboy-Vergangenheit sind keineswegs klüger oder intelligenter als Indianer oder schwarze Menschen. Es ist Fakt, das weiße Abenteurer, Siedler oder Trapper einheimische Indianer und aus Afrika eingeschleppte Schwarze schamlos ausgenutzt haben und Millionen wurden getötet. Diese Menschen wurden in den USA bis heute nicht entschädigt. Als um 1840 das menschenunwürdige Sklaventum aufgelöst wurde, bekamen "Besitzer von Sklaven" (Kapitalisten !) Entschädigung, aber nicht arme Sklaven und Indianer. Diese blieben sich selbst überlassen und erreichten nur als Ausnahme für ihre Familie den Schritt in ein ziviles Leben. Allermeiste kämpfen noch nach über 100 Jahren um das tägliche Überleben - Beschaffung durch Kriminalität oft der Einzige Ausweg. Und fette weiße bevorzugte Menschen lästern hier über Schwarze Menschen als "dreckige Neger" und so ähnlich "gleich töten". Ich finde das nur widerlich - sind das nicht verantwortungslose Menschen ohne viel Wert ??? Ich schäme mich für diese Typen hier. Und an allem sind natürlich "Demokraten" Schuld. Mein Gott, seid ihr erbärmlich primitiv. Es gibt sicher auch Amerikaner mit Vernunft - hier merke ich davon leider sehr sehr wenig. Ich stehe hier sicher nicht alleine - aber viele Mit-Leser sind einfach feige ihre Meinung zu sagen - oder ein "Like" zu verteilen !! 😁😁 The person who gave you a like for your sick demented comment is just as dumb as you are.
Ridgerunner Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 8 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Stupid things are still being spread here in the forum. White US people with their cowboy past are by no means smarter or more intelligent than Native Americans or black people. It is a fact that white adventurers, settlers or trappers have shamelessly exploited native Indians and black people imported from Africa and millions have been killed. To date, these people have not been compensated in the United States. When inhumane slavery was abolished around 1840, "owners of slaves" (capitalists!) received compensation, but not poor slaves and Indians. They were left to their own devices and only made it into civilian life as an exception for their families. Most of them are still fighting for their daily survival after more than 100 years - procurement through crime is often the only way out. And fat white preferred people gossip about black people as "dirty negroes" and something like "kill right away". I just find that disgusting - aren't they irresponsible people with no worth much??? I'm ashamed of these guys here. And everything is of course "democrats" to blame. My god, you guys are pathetically primitive. There are certainly also Americans who are sensible - here, unfortunately, I notice very little of that. I'm certainly not the only one here - but many fellow readers are simply cowardly to say their opinion - or to distribute a "like" !! 😁 😁 And those White adventurers, settlers and trappers came from Europe.
Ridgerunner Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 5 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Trump is enthusiastic about Hitler, like this sick young man with the car and the swastika flag. Trump's right-wing fascist is "fire dangerous" for America. Donald Tump can no longer shock us. And Trump like this: Hold my beer. This time he is said to have praised Hitler. WWW.ESQUIRE.DE Donald Trump shocked again and again with his statements. This time he is said to have praised Hitler during a trip abroad. What happened? More old lies. Just another part of that same stupid story that was written when Trump visited Normandy. The second time you have cited this old discredited story. German news media is one big laughable joke. 1
Ridgerunner Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 5 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Meiste Verbrechen sicher NICHT von "Demokraten". Ein Traum aus Deinem dekorierten Kinderzimmer. Umsturzversuch und kriminelle Gewalt durch kapitalistische ultrarechte Reps. Überfälle mit Waffen - alles durch rechtes Gesindel. More lies and propaganda from the German Marxist lover.
Ridgerunner Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 3 hours ago, StnCld316 said: Over here they bring it right to the door. If they don't get a response then they leave a tag showing they'll be back the following day. If no one is there then the package goes to a local pickup depot where one has to go and retrieve it. In the U.S. that only happens for insured packages. If package is not insured it's just left in front of the door.
Ridgerunner Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said: YOU should READ reports - then you will learn more about it !!! It was a 38-year-old teacher (f), who won "Teacher of the Year" in 2017, who had sex with a 16-year-old student (m). So? If she won "Teacher of the Year" in a U.S. public school then she is most likely a liberal progressive. Just like the people who win Pulitzer prizes and Nobel prizes. 99% liberal progressives.
SPYING 1 Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 'Turbulence ahead': Nearly 4 in 10 Americans lack enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense, Fed survey shows FORTUNE.COM “The 2022 survey found that self-reported financial well-being was among the lowest levels... Those are demon 😈 crats that can't come up with $400 cause they spend their welfare recipients hand outs on crack, meth. alcohol, gambling & whores
pulo filipe Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 IRS whistleblower says DOJ 'slow-walked' Hunter Biden tax probe:... NYPOST.COM "Each and every time, it seemed to always benefit the subject," he said during the CBS News...
pulo filipe Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 Ron DeSantis announces 2024 presidential bid live updates: Super PAC... NYPOST.COM Ending months of speculation, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declared his presidential...
pulo filipe Posted May 25, 2023 Posted May 25, 2023 NYPD cop indicted in vicious street beatdown of NYC homeless man NYPOST.COM Officer Juan Perez has been indicted over the vicious caught-on-camera beating of a...
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