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B7 - General Topic 2023 #19 (May / June)

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4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Ashley und Dylan „zurück zur Normalität“ 😉 .. sehr schön 

Ich bin erstaunt wie schnell im Forum Dylan vom Saulus zum Paulus wurde. Nur weil er sich einige Tage einmal etwas freundlicher und einfühlsamer gegenüber einigen Mädchen verhalten hat. Aber so schnell ändern Menschen nicht ihr Wesen oder Verhaltensweisen. Jetzt wo der Antonius nicht mehr in den Villen umhergeistert wird Dylan ganz gewiss wieder zu alten , teilweise sehr fragwürdigen, Verhaltensweisen zurückkehren. Schade das Ashley nicht " klüger " wird und ihn nicht immer wieder provoziert. Das kann heute ganz schön ausarten.

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Dylan seem to be drunk from wine and being annoying and a bit agressive to the girls (put ashley down on the floor in the bathroom). Ashley told him to go and crash wherever he want but not in their room.


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PS. He had no luck with the girls in B7 so he went to Wendy and Azuza in B4 with the 2nd bottle of wine in his hand.

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Il y a 1 heure, ddhm a dit :

Ashley and Dylan “ back to normality “ 😉 .. very nice 

Sounds that something went wrong ... he probably had too much wine and he's not used to it, but just before he was closed out he referred to Ash as if she "used" him when she wanted to have sex @22:43:47 (for shows?) ... and she may be jealous of the new relationship with this "Juna" (is it Azura?) for how she yelled (Cam 3.1 @22:43).

A temporary little storm ... and Ash managed it incredibly well

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Just for the statistics … exactly two months ago , Dylan joined RLC .. the first or second night he cooked spaghetti for Ashley and Gloria and ended in the first threesome … Again said , just for the statistics 😏😏🤓

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Another  statistic is that before any good sex happenings from Dylan , he always needs to enjoy his “ smoking “ …. just statistics again 😏😏

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