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6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Amazing that DU of all people praises the Trump Covid management as a success. This is pure lies . Trump 's mismanagement in dealing with Covid with abstruse ideas and denial was the main reason why American citizens chased Trump from court by a large majority . With this graphic below, it must be taken into account that during the hot phase of the pandemic, President Joe Biden and his Democratic Party reacted correctly immediately after taking office , otherwise your USA would be in a much more catastrophic position in the statistics. Maybe right away with Peru - oneShame on your loser from Trump's far-right fascists.   :biggrin:


 More propaganda and lies from you. Fact: More people died from covid while Biden was president than when Trump was president. And Biden had covid vaccines to combat the disease which Trump did not have.  Fact: Trump received more votes in 2020 election than he received in 2016 election.  If you didn't lie you would have nothing to say.

6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


This was a blessing to this USA otherwise twice as many Americans would have died from Covid - following action by the failure of the brain damaged Trumpie!!!  


More propaganda and lies from the German lover of Marxists. Fact: If not for the actions of Trump Biden would have had no vaccines to fight covid with. 

6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Agitator Trump has increasingly radicalized this Republican Party and turned it into a far-right party . I don't believe in "free elections" which the fascist and Hitler friend Trump probably doesn't recognize again , this guy is mentally much too primitive for that.

The result will probably be an incited mob and civil war again - perhaps with UN troops to pacify the country. This DeSantis is identical political US plum , who has already announced " pardons for "felons" like these villains from January 6th, 21 and Trump. Very difficult times are coming for your USA !!!  


It is the far left Democratic Party of "Judas Joe" Biden that is destroying America. Biden is trying to continue Obama's plan to make the U.S. more like the lost society of the far left EU.   

6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Agitator Trump hat diese Republikanische Partei zunehmend radikalisiert und zu einer rechtsradikalen Partei gemacht. Ich glaube nicht an "freie Wahlen" welche der Faschist und Hitler-Freund Trump wohl wieder nicht anerkennt, dazu ist dieser Typ mental viel zu primitiv.

Folge wird wohl wieder aufgehetzter Mob und Bürgerkrieg werden - vielleicht mit UNO-Truppen um das Land zu befrieden. Dieser DeSantis ist identische politische US-Pflaume, der hat doch bereits "Begnadigung von "Schwerverbrechern" wie diese Schurken vom 06.Januar 21 und Trump angekündigt. Es kommen sehr schwere Zeiten auf Deine USA zu !!!  


The EU's handling of COVID was a failure. In fact, the only country in the world that came close to getting the covid response correct was Sweden.

7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Don't worry about Germany. We will manage to become climate neutral with a flourishing economy. Nuclear reactors, knowing all the problems and without safe storage, have been radioactive waste for millions of years, is a crime against humanity. 

And relying only on fossil fuels is the biggest nonsense globally. However, our sun with energy reserves must be made usable for our humanity with optimized technologies. USA is doing nothing there - and shouldn't be surprised if one day their ass freezes off.   😁

There are still many idiots in the USA who have not yet understood that this climate catastrophe is real and threatens our earth with civilization.



And German's asses will probably freeze next winter because of Germany's insane green energy policies.:tongue:   The real idiots are the people who believe that man can significantly alter the world's climate. If there is climate change it is most likely caused by activity on the sun and not man-made. The smart reaction to climate change is to adapt to the new climate rather than being so foolish as to believe that man has the ability to change the climate.

15 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Biden ist über einen Sandsack gestolpert der mitten auf der Bühne lag. Und da wird nun Theater gemacht. Da hätte jeder, auch jeder junge Mann darüber stolpern können. Das ist doch nichts besonderes. Amerikaner sind einfach "Sensations-Krüppel".

Bidens Sicherheitsleute hätten den Sandsack sehen und wegräumen müssen - das war der Fehler.



For the next one he has to look before he walks 

6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Americans are dream dancers and pukeheads.

In 20 years, the Maldives, Philippines and other countries will no longer exist like this. Doesn't matter ?? I don't care if one tornado after another devastates Florida and the US east coast beyond recognition. 

How stupid can Americans be as "Reps"???


You sound like the blow hard fool Al Gore. Almost every prediction made by Gore in his 2006 movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was wrong and the environmentalist fools still consider him to be a climate expert. Movie should be renamed "A Convenient Lie" told for the purpose of controlling the world economy by a bunch of elitist pricks. 

1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

 More propaganda and lies from you. Fact: More people died from covid while Biden was president than when Trump was president. And Biden had covid vaccines to combat the disease which Trump did not have.  Fact: Trump received more votes in 2020 election than he received in 2016 election.  If you didn't lie you would have nothing to say.


Und wieder eine Sammlung von Dummheiten. DU bist derjenige der Lügen-Propaganda betreibt von Dingen von denen Du keine Ahnung hast. Dein Kopf steckt viel zu tief im Arsch von Trump, so daß Du nur reaktionär-braun aber nicht klar denken kannst.

Wann waren meiste Tote der Pandemie ? Wann hatte diese Pandemie ihren Höhepunkt ? Siehe Diagramme unten. Oben Anzahl der Infizierten, unten Anzahl der Toten. Als Trump residierte stand diese Pandemie am Anfang. Trump nahm das Geschehen nicht ernst und sprach von "Grippe" (ohne zu bedenken das an Grippe jedes Jahr weltweit Millionen Menschen sterben) Von der WHO wurde Covid-19 als Pandemie eingestuft. Trump bleibt unbelehrbar und versucht mit gurgeln von Desinfektionsmittel und Arznei, welche Unsinn war. Dadurch ging viel Zeit verloren.

Das Deutsche Unternehmen BIONTECH entwickelte das 1. Impf-Serum. Was tat Trump ?     Warten. Nachdem bei hoher Wahlbeteiligung Trump "vom Hof" gejagt wurde, bestellte der neue Präsident Biden dieses Impf-Serum (über Pfizer als Vertriebsfirma) und so Millionen von Amerikanern das Leben gerettet. Bei Fortführung der verantwortungslosen "Eiertanz-Politik" von Trumpie  wären diese Amerikaner heute TOT - das sind "die Fakten" !!  😁

Zu der "gestohlenen Wahl":  Das bleibt Unsinn. Wahlbeteiligung war 2020 höher als 2016, das heißt insgesamt mehr potentielle Wähler. Da kann Dein Trump mehr Stimmen absolut erhalten haben als 4 Jahre vorher, doch es waren zu wenig - Biden hat aber deutlich mehr Stimmen bekommen, besonders in den Städten - und damit "die Wahl 2020" eindeutig gewonnen, fertig !




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