StarLight28 Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Mehr Propaganda und Lügen vom deutschen Liebhaber der Marxisten. Fakt: Ohne die Aktionen von Trump hätte Biden keine Impfstoffe gehabt, mit denen er Covid bekämpfen könnte. "Liebhaber von Marxisten" ist wieder eine Deiner Beleidigungen, Du weißt genau das das Lüge ist. In wie weit hat Trump Covid-Impfstoffe unterstützt ??? Mit Desinfektionsmittel gurgeln und Malaria-Medikament waren sein Favorit. Covid-Impfstoffe zu spät geordert und viel zu wenig - das ist Fakt.
StarLight28 Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: The EU's handling of COVID was a failure. In fact, the only country in the world that came close to getting the covid response correct was Sweden. Auch das ist falsch ! Man kann das sehr dünn besiedelte Schweden nicht mit dem dicht besiedelten Deutschland vergleichen. Und dennoch hat Schweden bezogen auf 1 Million Einwohner mehr Tote zu beklagen als Deutschland. Diese offene Schweden-Politik war eindeutig totaler Covid-Mißerfolg und Fehleinschätzung. Durch Fehleinschätzung von Trump und Trump-Mißmanagement ist USA Spitzenreiter in Sachen Covid-Tote. 100.000 de Amerikaner sind völlig unnötig gestorben !!! DANKE Trump. Noch fehlt Anklage dazu !! Bevölkerungsdichte der USA ist viel geringer als in Deutschland. USA hätte Chance gehabt deutlich weniger Tote pro Million Einwohner als Deutschland zu haben. Ein politischer Dilettant an der Spitze der USA hat das verhindert - TRUMP !! Wenn Du nun schon ein Land nennen willst das besser durch diese Pandemie gekommen ist, dann nenne nicht Schweden sondern KUBA. USA hat eine Bevölkerungsdichte von 34 EW pro qkm, Schweden 23, Kuba 101 und Deutschland 236 EW pro qkm. Todesfälle durch Covid pro 1 Million Einwohner: , USA 3.481, Schweden 2.383, Deutschland 2.078 und KUBA nur 761 - mit einer sehr hohen Impfrate ! Für Deine USA ein erbärmliches Ergebnis. Danke an Deinen unfähigen Faschisten !!
StarLight28 Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: It is the far left Democratic Party of "Judas Joe" Biden that is destroying America. Biden is trying to continue Obama's plan to make the U.S. more like the lost society of the far left EU. Ach Bubi, was weißt Du von EU und "linksextremer" EU ? Diese gibt es nicht. Im Gegenteil, in Frankreich, Italien, Polen, Ungarn ist ein deutlicher Trend nach "rechts" zu sehen. Auch in Deutschland liegt rechte AfD bei Umfragen zur Zeit bei 18 %. Keine gute Entwicklung, im Kielwasser der immer rechtsradikaler" werdender USA. Fakt ist, das dieser "Strohkopf" von Trump mit seinem "Amerika first" und "MAGA" , Abschottung vom Weltmarkt mit "Strafzöllen" marxistische Instrumente eingesetzt hat, weit ab von freier Marktwirtschaft. Erkläre das mal ! Ein rechtsradikaler Faschist mit marxistischer Politik. Und "Republikaner-Partei" folgt blind ohne Gehirn. Weiter so.
Ridgerunner Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: And again a collection of stupid things. YOU are the one doing lying propaganda about things you have no idea about. Your head is way too deep in Trump's ass so that you can only think reactionary-brown but not clearly. When were most of the deaths of the pandemic? When did this pandemic peak? See diagrams below. Above number of infected, below number of dead. When Trump resided, this pandemic was just beginning. Trump did not take what was happening seriously and spoke of "flu" (without considering that millions of people die from flu every year worldwide) The WHO classified Covid-19 as a pandemic . Trump remains unteachable and tries to gargle disinfectant and medicine, which was nonsense. A lot of time was lost as a result. The German company BIONTECH developed the first vaccine serum. What did Trump do? Wait. After Trump was "chased from the court" with a high turnout, the new President Biden ordered this vaccine serum (through Pfizer as the distribution company) and thus saved the lives of millions of Americans. If Trumpie's irresponsible "egg dance policy" continued, these Americans would be DEAD today - these are "the facts" !! 😁 Regarding the "stolen election": That remains nonsense. Voter turnout was higher in 2020 than in 2016, which means more potential voters overall. Your Trump may have received more votes in absolute terms than 4 years before, but there were not enough - but Biden got significantly more votes, especially in the cities - and thus clearly won "the 2020 election", done! 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: And again a collection of stupid things. YOU are the one doing lying propaganda about things you have no idea about. Your head is way too deep in Trump's ass so that you can only think reactionary-brown but not clearly. When were most of the deaths of the pandemic? When did this pandemic peak? See diagrams below. Above number of infected, below number of dead. When Trump resided, this pandemic was just beginning. Trump did not take what was happening seriously and spoke of "flu" (without considering that millions of people die from flu every year worldwide) The WHO classified Covid-19 as a pandemic . Trump remains unteachable and tries to gargle disinfectant and medicine, which was nonsense. A lot of time was lost as a result. The German company BIONTECH developed the first vaccine serum. What did Trump do? Wait. After Trump was "chased from the court" with a high turnout, the new President Biden ordered this vaccine serum (through Pfizer as the distribution company) and thus saved the lives of millions of Americans. If Trumpie's irresponsible "egg dance policy" continued, these Americans would be DEAD today - these are "the facts" !! 😁 Regarding the "stolen election": That remains nonsense. Voter turnout was higher in 2020 than in 2016, which means more potential voters overall. Your Trump may have received more votes in absolute terms than 4 years before, but there were not enough - but Biden got significantly more votes, especially in the cities - and thus clearly won "the 2020 election", done! More distortion of facts by you. Death rate was higher early in the pandemic because there were no vaccines and not as much was known about the disease. Biden had benefit of 3 vaccines when he took office and increased knowledge about how to treat infected people. If left to Fauci and other government bureaucrats we would not have had vaccine for many years.
Ridgerunner Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: "Lovers of Marxists" is one of your insults again, you know that's a lie. To what extent has Trump supported Covid vaccines ??? Gargling with disinfectant and malaria medication were his favorites. Covid vaccines ordered too late and far too few - that's a fact. No, that's another one of your lies. Sorry, you don't get to rewrite history that I lived through. If left to Fauci and other bureaucrats we may still not have a vaccine. Trump never ever recommended gargling with disinfectant and numerous doctors were successful in treating Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine. And you proved your love for Marxists in your praise for Fidel Castro. Or are you going to try to convince us that Castro was not a Marxist.
Ridgerunner Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 55 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: That's wrong too! You cannot compare the very sparsely populated Sweden with the densely populated Germany. And yet Sweden has more deaths per 1 million inhabitants than Germany. This open Sweden policy was clearly a total Covid failure and misjudgment. Due to Trump's misjudgment and Trump's mismanagement, the USA is the front-runner in terms of Covid deaths. 100,000 de Americans have died completely needlessly !!! THANK YOU Trump. Charges are still pending! Population density of the USA is much lower than in Germany. The USA would have had a chance of having significantly fewer deaths per million inhabitants than Germany. A political dilettant at the top of the USA prevented that - TRUMP !! If you want to name a country that has come through this pandemic better, then don't name Sweden but CUBA . The USA has a population density of 34 inhabitants per square kilometer, Sweden 23 , Cuba 101 and Germany 236 inhabitants per square kilometer. Deaths from Covid per 1 million inhabitants: , USA 3,481, Sweden 2,383, Germany 2,078 and CUBA only 761 - with a very high vaccination rate! A pathetic result for your USA. Thanks to your incompetent fascists !! I believe nothing that comes out of Cuba.
StarLight28 Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: And German's asses will probably freeze next winter because of Germany's insane green energy policies. The real idiots are the people who believe that man can significantly alter the world's climate. If there is climate change it is most likely caused by activity on the sun and not man-made. The smart reaction to climate change is to adapt to the new climate rather than being so foolish as to believe that man has the ability to change the climate. Du und Deine amerikanischen gehbehinderten "Fuß-Truppen" lebt im Land der Ahnungslosen und Dummen. Bereits 1972 hat "The Club of Rome" in dem Manifest "Die Grenzen des Wachstums" den Zusammenhang zwischen von Menschen verursachten CO2-Austoß und Erderwärmung festgestellt und Folgen aufgezeichnet, welche bis heute haargenau zugetroffen sind. Es gibt natürliches CO2 das in unsere Atmosphäre entweicht, richtig. Doch seit Beginn der weltweiten Industrialisierung und von Menschen frei gesetzten CO2 und noch intensiver das Methan, übersteigt dieser Anteil das natürlich e CO2 deutlich und wirkt in der Atmosphäre wie eine Gewächshaus und lässt Temperaturen auf der Erde laufend ansteigen - das ist jedes Jahr verstärkt bewiesen. Wer das immer noch leugnet hat keine Ahnung und "Stroh im Kopf". Literaturhinweise anbei. Wir in Deutschland machen zusammen mit der EU kluge Politik und WIR werden nicht erfrieren - auch ohne klima-verheerendes US-Fracking-Gas nicht. Amis setzen nur auf fossile Brennstoffe und Atom-Schrott. Und das obwohl bei zunehmender E-Mobilität der Energiebedarf immer größer wird. Wenn ihr nicht rasch umdenkt und Alternativen erforscht, wird Euch in absehbarer Zeit der Arsch auf Grundeis gehen. 😁 Die Grenzen des Wachstums – Wikipedia DE.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
Ridgerunner Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: And again a collection of stupid things. YOU are the one doing lying propaganda about things you have no idea about. Your head is way too deep in Trump's ass so that you can only think reactionary-brown but not clearly. When were most of the deaths of the pandemic? When did this pandemic peak? See diagrams below. Above number of infected, below number of dead. When Trump resided, this pandemic was just beginning. Trump did not take what was happening seriously and spoke of "flu" (without considering that millions of people die from flu every year worldwide) The WHO classified Covid-19 as a pandemic . Trump remains unteachable and tries to gargle disinfectant and medicine, which was nonsense. A lot of time was lost as a result. The German company BIONTECH developed the first vaccine serum. What did Trump do? Wait. After Trump was "chased from the court" with a high turnout, the new President Biden ordered this vaccine serum (through Pfizer as the distribution company) and thus saved the lives of millions of Americans. If Trumpie's irresponsible "egg dance policy" continued, these Americans would be DEAD today - these are "the facts" !! 😁 Regarding the "stolen election": That remains nonsense. Voter turnout was higher in 2020 than in 2016, which means more potential voters overall. Your Trump may have received more votes in absolute terms than 4 years before, but there were not enough - but Biden got significantly more votes, especially in the cities - and thus clearly won "the 2020 election", done! It was also discovered later that Covid deaths in the U.S were over stated. since many Covid infected people died from causes not related to Covid but were still counted as Covid deaths. And Democrat run cities is where most voter fraud occurs in the U.S.
Ridgerunner Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 13 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: You and your American disabled "foot troops" live in the land of the clueless and stupid. As early as 1972, "The Club of Rome" established the connection between human-caused CO2 emissions and global warming in the manifesto "The Limits to Growth" and recorded consequences that are precisely true to this day. There is natural CO2 escaping into our atmosphere, right. But since the beginning of global industrialization and CO2 released by humans and even more intensively the methane, this proportion significantly exceeds the natural CO2 and acts in the atmosphere like a greenhouse and causes temperatures on earth to rise continuously - this has been increasingly proven every year. Anyone who still denies that has no idea and "straw in their heads". References attached. We in Germany are making smart policies together with the EU and WE will not freeze to death - not even without US fracking gas that is devastating to the climate. Americans only rely on fossil fuels and nuclear waste. And this despite the fact that the energy requirement is increasing with increasing e-mobility. If you don't think quickly and explore alternatives, your ass will be rocking the ground in the foreseeable future . 😁 The Limits to Growth - Wikipedia DE.WIKIPEDIA.ORG And in 1975 the climate "experts" were warning of a New Ice Age because of global cooling. What happened? How many times are "experts" allowed to be wrong before they are no longer considered to be experts?
StarLight28 Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 12 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: No, that's another one of your lies. Sorry, you don't get to rewrite history that I lived through. If left to Fauci and other bureaucrats we may still not have a vaccine. Trump never ever recommended gargling with disinfectant and numerous doctors were successful in treating Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine. And you proved your love for Marxists in your praise for Fidel Castro. Or are you going to try to convince us that Castro was not a Marxist. Ich Präsentiere Dir Beweise und Fakten - und Du nennst alles Lüge und schwafelst von Fauci. Lege doch einfach mal handfeste "Beweise" vor das "Strohkopf" Trump so toll war. Das dieses Malaria-Mittel hat ist ohne jede wissenschaftlichen Beweis. Vielleicht hätten auch Hustentropfen oder Zucker mit Baldrian geholfen. 😁 So lange Du mir nicht den Unterschied zwischen liberal, sozial, sozialistisch, marxistisch und kommunistisch erklären kannst ist kann das nicht Gegenstand eines Gesprächs sein. Bis jetzt sind diese Begriffe von Dir und Deinen "Fußtruppen" nur Hetze und Demagogie um andere Menschen, welche hier mit lesen zu verunsichern und mit Stammtisch-Parolen zu indoktrinieren. Ihr selber kennt den Inhalt dieser Begriffe selbst nicht - aber sie eignen sich als Lügen-Parolen um für rechts-radikale unehrliche faschistische Ziele Propaganda zu machen. Habe dieses dumme Spiel lange durchschaut. 😁
StarLight28 Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 25 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: I believe nothing that comes out of Cuba. Ich weiß, das Du Statistiken und fundierte Zahlen nicht lesen kannst - dumme Sprüche sind einfache. Von amerikanischen Verlautbarungen glaube ich nur eine Hälfte - und auch davon ist noch das meiste gelogen.
StarLight28 Posted June 6, 2023 Posted June 6, 2023 21 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: It was also discovered later that Covid deaths in the U.S were over stated. since many Covid infected people died from causes not related to Covid but were still counted as Covid deaths. And Democrat run cities is where most voter fraud occurs in the U.S. Das falsche Zuordnung als Todesursache erfolgte ist lange bekannt - und das gilt für alle Länder in der Zeit. Das erklärt aber nicht diese katastrophal hohen Zahlen der USA als Flächenland. Wenn Du Zahlen differenziert nach Städten und flachem Land hast, dann lege diese doch vor. Erkläre warum so viele Amerikaner an der Covid-Pandemie sterben mussten . Für ein zivilisiertes Land hätte ich ähnlich niedrige Zahlen wie auf KUBA erwartet., das kaum 50 km entfernt liegt. Das Demokraten in Städten bei Wahlen mehr betrügen als Republikaner auf dem Land ist eine Deiner dreisten Lügen. Warst Du schon einmal bei Wahlauszählungen dabei ??? Das ist eine verantwortungsvolle "Staatsbürgerliche-Aufgabe". Ich habe diesen Job mehr als 10 Jahre gemacht - als Wahlvorstand. Ausgezählt wird immer zu 2 nach 4-Augen-Prinzip. Eingeteilt nach komplementärer Parteizugehörigkeit. Stimmen nach der US-Wahl wurden danach mehrfach von ganz verschiedenen Menschen nachgezählt - es ergab keinerlei Verschiebung. Vorwurf von "Betrug" war und ist pure Lüge. Das Trump zunächst vorne lag war normal. Stimmen auf dem flachen Land mit kleinen Wahlbezirken sind schneller ausgezählt als große Wahlbezirke in den Städten. Trump wurde mehr von ungebildeten Menschen auf dem Land gewählt, Biden mehr von gebildeten Menschen in der Stadt - das ist einfach so. Auch in Deutschland sind in den großen Städten Bürgermeister von der SPD. Gelegenheit zu betrügen ist bei Wahlen auf dem Land bei kleinen Wahlkreisen und weniger Personen, welche oft nur 1 Partei angehören sehr viel größer - das ist mit aller Klarheit fest zu stellen. "Strohkopf" Trump hat trotz vieler verlorener Prozesse bis heute noch nicht anerkannt. "Strohkopf" Trump hat sich als "Charakter-Schwein" erwiesen. Bitte NIE WIEDER !!!
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