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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 22 (06/08/23)

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Die Verletzten erlitten Schusswunden, Stichwunden und andere Verletzungen. Als weitere Teilnehmer der Party zu Fuß flüchten wollten, wurden sie offenbar von Autos erfasst. Die Ermittlungen laufen. 


Im Wilden Wilden Westen ..........


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Von Brendan O'Boyle und Sarah Morland MEXIKO-STADT (Reuters) – US-Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris wird mehr als 100 Millionen US-Dollar an neuer Hilfe für die Karibik ankündigen, wenn sie die Bahamas am... besucht.




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Elektroautos mit Batterie (Akku) sind Einbahnstraße in falsche Richtung.  Der Umwelt-Schaden bei der Herstellung von den Hochvolt-Batterien ist weit ab von emissionsfrei oder nachhaltig.

Weiter entwickeln von Brennstoffzellen wird besser, auch wenn der Wirkungsgrad heute noch geringer ist.




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Silvio Berlusconi war einer der reichsten und mächtigsten Männer Italiens. Seinen Aufstieg verdankt er einem gigantischen Ego, seinem Gespür für die Sehnsüchte seiner Landsleute und dem Fernsehen. Er...


Milliardär und Faschist und großes Vorbild von Bolsenaro, US-Tump, DeSantis   .... und andere Nicht-Demokraten.   😁


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On 6/11/2023 at 4:21 AM, StarLight28 said:


Unjustified of course!  If Trump behaved like a normal thinking "person" he wouldn't have ongoing lawsuits. It's his own fault - laws apply equally to EVERYONE. Trump thinks he's special because his dad left him money. On the contrary, Trump is "personally disordered" - and to a high degree.   And certainly long before he decided to become a "politician". He hasn't learned anything yet and doesn't leave out any "blunders" or mistakes.

"Cleansing" is a typical fascist term . You agree with me in my opinion. And you still haven't understood that this "election lie" has never been proven and that Joe Biden is clearly the elected US President and that his government has been judicially reviewed and governed legitimately.

How many lawsuits has Trump lost to have election lies determined in vain???   In Georgia , Trump faces another criminal case for illegal election interference.    I would like to experience that this "sick guy" owns up to his mistakes and makes everything worse with more lies.

Thanks to excellent media in Germany, I am certainly better informed on many things than you propagandists with "fascist glasses" are " informed "/seduced by US lying media .


And all the lawsuits brought against Trump are by Democrat prosecutors. Democrats need to take Trump out through the courts because Democrats know they cannot beat Trump in a 2024 presidential election. And German news media is nothing more than laughable left wing propaganda. 

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