Ridgerunner Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Stop your childish unproven "conspiracy theories". Trump's criminal actions are black and white solid EVIDENCE, nothing "conspiracies". Finally accept that Trump is a criminal, a driven man who is rowing himself deeper and deeper into the swamp through his lack of understanding. 😁 You are the one who is being childish and has a lack of understanding. There were no crimes committed. There is nothing illegal about contesting the results of an election. Democrats do it all the time. If you don't believe me ask former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz.
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 20 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: The most corrupt president in the history of the country is in the White House right now. Er folgte dem dümmsten, arrogantesten kriminellen Präsiden aller Zeiten. 😁
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 The bidding war over U.S. Steel underscores just how much American industry has declined compared to the giants of Asia FORTUNE.COM A merger with Cleveland-Cliffs would create just the 10th-largest steelmaker in the world and...
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 The $362 million warship the US Navy just decommissioned wasn't even in service 5 years WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM The Navy's Littoral Combat Ship program has faced a range of problems, and the service is...
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 Hundreds of wildfires raging in Canada's Northwest Territories prompt evacuations in what officials are calling a 'crisis situation' | CNN WWW.CNN.COM Hundreds of wildfires raging in parts of Canada’s Northwest Territories have prompted... Run StnCld316 🏃♂️
Ridgerunner Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Some of your fascist brothers could take this statement as an invitation to murder - and that is punishable . You could sit in a prison cell with the fascist Trump and lick his saliva for the next 600 years . 🤣 🤣 What ever your sick mind needs to believe. But in point of fact it is you that has fascist relatives, not me. My father fought you fascist bastards in WW II.
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 Why Americans are struggling with car loans WWW.CNBC.COM Auto loan debt in the U.S. is at a record high of $1.5 trillion. Here's what lenders say is happening... Don't buy a new car if you can't afford it 1 1
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 18 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: 75 million people are right wing extremists? You believe too many of your own lies and propaganda. DU solltest doch endlich lesen lernen Ridge. Ich sprach von "rechtsradikalen Anhängern", die sich strafbar machen könnten - und nicht von 75 Millionen. Viele Millionen von ehemaligen Trump-Wählern sind sicher redliche Menschen und ehrliche Republikaner, welche sich zunehmend für Trump schämen - und ihn wohl nicht mehr wieder wählen - siehe Mittel-Wahlen, da wirkte Trump abschreckend anstatt helfend. Es reichen ein paar tausend so rechtradikaler Eiferer welche für ihren Faschisten Trump durch das Feuer gehen, so wie DU und andere hier im Forum, um im Land einen "Flächenbrand" zu erzeugen - das weißt du !!!
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 24 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: And if they want to, trials can be moved to more neutral sites in the U.S. If Trump is convicted in the cities of Atlanta, New York City, and Washington, D.C., Trump supporters will never accept convictions as being legitimate. In anderen Staaten auch nicht - ihr Heiland, das "Unschuldslamm", der Quell aller Wahrheit - er hat doch gesagt er sei "nicht schuldig". Wir glauben ihm und glauben an ihn - bis in den Tod ! 😁
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 U.S. Citizens Will Require New Visa To Travel To Europe In 2024 SECRETNYC.CO Americans planning to travel to Europe in 2024 will need an ETIAS travel authorization...
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 23 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: You are the one who is being childish and has a lack of understanding. There were no crimes committed. There is nothing illegal about contesting the results of an election. Democrats do it all the time. If you don't believe me ask former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz. NEIN, es ist nicht strafbar eine Wahl anzufechten, soweit richtig. Wer jedoch mit falschen Behauptungen um sich wirft und mit unlauteren Mitteln versucht ein Wahlergebnis zu fälschen, der macht sich strafbar !!! Erkennst Du den feinen Unterschied ??? Ich fürchte nein.
Ridgerunner Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 10 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: YOU should learn to read, Ridge . I spoke of " right-wing extremists " who could be prosecuted - and not of 75 million. Many millions of former Trump voters are certainly honest people and honest Republicans who are increasingly ashamed of Trump - and will probably not vote for him again - see middle elections, since Trump acted as a deterrent instead of helping. A few thousand right-wing radical zealots who go through fire for their fascist Trump are enough , like YOU and others here in the forum, to create a "wildfire" in the country - you know that !!! But Republicans won the House of Representatives in 2022 election. Trump is leading nearest rival in Republican primary polls right now by over 30 percentage points.
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