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Politics Boards # 2 (08/11/23)

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Der Hurrikan vor der Nordwestküste Mexikos lässt nach, bleibt aber gefährlich. Er bringt heftigen Regen und Flüsse zum Überlaufen. Ein Mann kommt ums Leben. In Mexiko und in den USA soll „Hilary“ nun...


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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

The hurricane off Mexico's northwest coast is easing but remains dangerous. He brings heavy rains and rivers to overflow. A man dies. In Mexico and the USA, "Hilary" is now said to...


Is the hurricane my fault or Trump's? 

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7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

There were hurricanes long before the industrial revolution. 


Das ist absolut richtig, aber nicht in der Häufigkeit und der dimensen Stärke. Wenn Du Statistiken lesen könntest, dann wüsstest DU das auch und würdest nicht auf dumme Trump-Propaganda hereinfallen, der von nichts Ahnung hat aber immer herum bellt und Lügen verbreitet.  😁


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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


That's absolutely true, but not in the frequency and magnitude. If you could read statistics, then YOU would know that too and would not fall for stupid Trump propaganda, who has no idea but always barks around and spreads lies.  😁


You've been brainwashed by a bunch of pseudo-scientists who are making a lot of money off research grants from politicians who want to use the myth of man-made climate change to increase their control over people's lives. Pseudo-scientists give the politicians the research results they want to keep the money coming for their research grants.

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

You've been brainwashed by a bunch of pseudo-scientists who are making a lot of money off research grants from politicians who want to use the myth of man-made climate change to increase their control over people's lives. Pseudo-scientists give the politicians the research results they want to keep the money coming for their research grants.


Wieder eine Eurer Verschwörungs-Theorien. Ich halte mich an Fakten, welche ich selber bewerten kann. ICH brauche nicht denken lassen. !!

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