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Politics Boards # 2 (08/11/23)

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20 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, a truth that an idiot like you is too fucking dumb to understand. I told you once before you do not understand the real people of America, because all you have for your knowledge are European news sources that fill your empty brain with socialist/Marxist propaganda.


Jetzt wird er wieder frech und beleidigt. Mäßige Dich !


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6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Factual nonsense and no answer to my post to distract from the topic.

You have no idea about Europe, the very different states and their very different economic systems. I won't go into that any further.


And you have no idea about America. But you are so fucking arrogant that you think you know more about America than do American citizens.

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12 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Perhaps his "right-wing extremist followers" are actually that stupid and allow themselves to be carried away to commit crimes. Poor United States.  😁

The most corrupt president in the history of the country is in the White House right now.

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14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Trials can be moved. Again you demonstrate your lack of knowledge of America.  And this is not a normal trial since the person being prosecuted (persecuted) is a former president and the leading Republican candidate for president in the 202"4 election. The American people know Trump cannot get a fair trial in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta.


USA ist nur ein halber "Rechtsstaat", das haben wir schon öfter diskutiert. Durch politische Wahl von Staatsanwälten und Richtern gibt es in den USA eine Verbindung von Politik und Justiz. Das ist in Deutschland rechtsstaatlich anders. Hier ist Politik und Justiz eigenständig und unabhängig nebeneinander. Ein Prozeß kann stattfinden wo auch immer im Land, überall sind gleiche Verhältnisse. Gut, überall sind Menschen und keine Automaten. Und jeder Einzelfall kann von Menschen unterschiedlich gegenüber Paragrafen gesehen werden - politische Unabhängigkeit bleibt.


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16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Perhaps his "right-wing extremist followers" are actually that stupid and allow themselves to be carried away to commit crimes. Poor United States.  😁

75 million people are right wing extremists?  You believe too many of your own lies and propaganda.

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22 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

But he didn't commit any crimes. These are crimes manufactured by a Democrat DA taking orders from the Biden White House and who is attempting to further her political career.


Unterlasse doch endlich Deine kindischen unbewiesenen "Verschwörungstheorien". Für Trump sein kriminelles handeln liegen doch schwarz auf weiß hieb- und stichfeste BEWEISE vor, nix "Verschwörungen". Akzeptiere doch endlich das Trump ein Krimineller ist, ein Getriebener, der sich durch seine Uneinsichtigkeit selbst immer tiefer in den Sumpf rudert. 😁


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7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


The USA is only half a "constitutional state", we have discussed this several times. Through the political election of prosecutors and judges, there is a connection between politics and the judiciary in the USA. This is different in Germany under the rule of law. Here, politics and the judiciary are autonomous and independent of one another. A process can take place anywhere in the country, the conditions are the same everywhere. Well, there are people everywhere and no machines. And each individual case can be viewed differently by people compared to paragraphs - political independence remains.


And if they want to, trials can be moved to more neutral sites in the U.S. If Trump is convicted in the cities of Atlanta, New York City, and Washington, D.C., Trump supporters will never accept convictions as being legitimate. 

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15 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Go to hell.


Diese Aussage könnten einige Deiner Faschisten-Brüder als Aufforderung zum Mord auffassen - und das ist strafbar. Da könntest DU mit dem Faschisten Trump gemeinsam in eine Gefängnis-Zelle sitzen und ihm nächste 600 Jahre den Speichel lecken.  🤣🤣


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