SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 We finally have proof of the ‘rich-cession.’ The number of millionaires fell the most since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, UBS says FORTUNE.COM Global wealth fell year-over-year, but declines were concentrated among the richest people in the... FUCK joe biden did that 😤
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 On 8/17/2023 at 8:42 AM, Ridgerunner said: What ever your sick mind needs to believe. But in point of fact it is you that has fascist relatives, not me. My father fought you fascist bastards in WW II. Expand Ich muss dich enttäuschen, ICH habe keine faschistischen Verwandten, meine beiden Großväter sind bereits in WK 1 1915 gefallen. In meiner Familie war niemand Mitglied in der Partei und keiner im Kriegs-Dienst. Meine Familie wurde 1944 vertrieben, hat alles verloren und durch das Regime auch nur gelitten. !!
Ridgerunner Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 On 8/17/2023 at 9:02 AM, StarLight28 said: NO, it is not a criminal offense to contest an election, where correct. However, anyone who throws false allegations around and tries to falsify an election result with unfair means is liable to prosecution!!! Do you recognize the subtle difference ??? I'm afraid not. Expand No, in fact Alan Dershowitz worked for Al Gore's legal team in Florida in the 2000 election, and Dershowitz said they did the same things in Florida that Trump's people were doing in Georgia. Democrats tried to stop Trump from being elected by the electoral college in the House of Representatives. Jamie Raskin who was on the Jan.6 Committee led the opposition to the vote for Trump in the House of Representatives in 2017. Hillary Clinton pressured electors who were legally bound to vote for Trump in the electoral college to vote for her instead of Trump.
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 On 8/17/2023 at 9:06 AM, Ridgerunner said: But Republicans won the House of Representatives in 2022 election. Trump is leading nearest rival in Republican primary polls right now by over 30 percentage points. Expand Nur eine halbe Wahrheit. Mittel-Wahlen fallen traditionell schlecht aus für Parteien der regierenden Präsidenten. Trump seine Republikaner hatten dabei starke Verluste. Du hattest einen "Erdrutsch-Sieg" der Republikaner vorher gesagt. Das Ergebnis war enttäuschend, nur wenig Zugewinn und sehr knapp vor den Demokraten - du erinnerst Dich ??? Rep-Kandidaten welche Trump-Anhänger waren sind reihenweise abgewählt worden - du erinnerst dich noch ??? Vorwahl-Prognosen sind so unwichtig wie eine Zeitung vom letzten Jahr. Kaffee-Satz.
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 On 8/17/2023 at 9:17 AM, Ridgerunner said: No, in fact Alan Dershowitz worked for Al Gore's legal team in Florida in the 2000 election, and Dershowitz said they did the same things in Florida that Trump's people were doing in Georgia. Democrats tried to stop Trump from being elected by the electoral college in the House of Representatives. Jamie Raskin who was on the Jan.6 Committee led the opposition to the vote for Trump in the House of Representatives in 2017. Hillary Clinton pressured electors who were legally bound to vote for Trump in the electoral college to vote for her instead of Trump. Expand Al Gore hat seine Niederlage demokratisch eingestanden - Donald Trump bis heute nicht. Das ist eine Frage der Fairness und der Geisteshaltung - Fremdworte für Trump !!
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 WATCH Biden Flip His S#!% When Doocy Asks The Question No One Else Has The Balls To Ask THEBELTWAYREPORT.COM President Joe Biden’s economic agenda, dubbed “Bidenomics”, took a major hit on Wednesday following his disastrous speech in Belen, New...
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 On 8/17/2023 at 9:17 AM, Ridgerunner said: No, in fact Alan Dershowitz worked for Al Gore's legal team in Florida in the 2000 election, and Dershowitz said they did the same things in Florida that Trump's people were doing in Georgia. Democrats tried to stop Trump from being elected by the electoral college in the House of Representatives. Jamie Raskin who was on the Jan.6 Committee led the opposition to the vote for Trump in the House of Representatives in 2017. Hillary Clinton pressured electors who were legally bound to vote for Trump in the electoral college to vote for her instead of Trump. Expand ⚠️Obama’s Role In Sudden DEATH of His Chef & ‘Friend’ Is LEAKING⚠️ THEBELTWAYREPORT.COM OPINION| Last week the Obama’s personal chef and their close friend died in an … accident. Now it appears that the Obama family’s...
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 BREAKING: Another Conservative Icon Just Got DELETED From The Internet THEBELTWAYREPORT.COM Syndicated with permission via Valiant News| Analise Morrow| Opinion| In an unexpected move on Wednesday, all of Glenn Beck’s podcasts...
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 https://www.msn.com/de-de/nachrichten/welt/junge-findet-waffe-und-drückt-ab-sechsjähriger-mit-kopfschuss-getötet/ar-AA1fnZI3 Das Waffendrama mit Mord durch Kinder in den USA geht weiter !
SPYING 1 Posted August 17, 2023 Posted August 17, 2023 Warren Buffett selling $8 billion worth of stock raises economy crash fears WWW.NEWSWEEK.COM The U.S. economy has shown signs of resilience and even progress in recent months—yet...
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 Ukraine-News: Deutschland liefert der Ukraine weitere Flugabwehrsysteme | STERN.de WWW.STERN.DE USA: Putin ist Ernährungssicherheit egal +++ 45.000 Einwohner Moskaus kämpfen in der Ukraine +++ Selenskyj betont Bedeutung von Drohnen +++ Meldungen zum Ukraine-Krieg im stern-Newsblog.
StarLight28 Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 Saudi-Arabien: US-Staatsbürgen zum Tode verurteilt und hingerichtet - WELT WWW.WELT.DE Ein US-amerikanischer Staatsbürger soll in Saudi-Arabien seinen Vater getötet und dessen Leiche verstümmelt haben. Der Mann wurde wegen Mordes zum Tode verurteilt, Mittwoch wurde das Urteil vollstreckt.
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