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Politics Boards # 4 (08/31/23)

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


😁Von "deutsch" war hier keine Rede - lerne Spanisch. Deutsch ist Sprache der Kultur und Intelligenz nach Schiller, Goethe, Lessing, Kleist ...... - ich schätze alle Namen sind Dir unbekannt - DU kennst nur Trump.  


        Obviously you only know some of histories most infamous dishonest, evil, lying, propagandists such as your mentors of the so cslled 1000 year, 3rd reich you worthless excuse of humanity just as your mentors were you propandist kraut.

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

        Obviously you only know some of histories most infamous dishonest, evil, lying, propagandists such as your mentors of the so cslled 1000 year, 3rd reich you worthless excuse of humanity just as your mentors were you propandist kraut.


Du dummes Arschloch redest mit Deinen dummen Worthülsen und beleidigenden Wortsalat immer am Thema vorbei. Was hat das mit Sprachen zu tun ? ARSCHLOCH !!


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5 hours ago, Noodle said:

Don't forget that the same weapons were used by the United States in the balkan war and there was no russian soldier there. Nuclear weapons, even with poor radioactivity, I always find problematic. Many NATO soldiers who were stationed for peace later died of leukemia and other types of cancer. When the war is over it's over and not that there side effects many years later, see Japan after 1945 or Vietnam. 🤷‍♀️


New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez and 13 other top prosecutors from around the...


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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

"alleged Vietnam veteran- liar?" You know more about my life than I do?   Sorry, Mr. German propagandist, but I spent 1 year and 4 days in Vietnam from April, 1969 thru April, 1970.   

       I wouldn't even give that worthless excuse of humanity dishonest propagandist kraut the time of day by playing along with his dishonest kraut propagandist bullshit Rr, other than calling him out for what he actually is, which is nothing more than a dishonest kraut propagandist piece of shit just like his mentors of the so called 1000 year third reich were.

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