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B4 - General Topic 2023 #84 (December)

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Just now, poncherello said:


You're saying what you think is right. I don't agree with everything you said but I read everything with interest. the only thing I don't accept are personal attacks and unfortunately that happens sometimes. Many of the things you said are interpretations of the moment in which the events took place, therefore dictated by different emotions with the handicap of not knowing the language. It is legitimate to then change your mind

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Just now, poncherello said:

Stai dicendo quello che pensi sia giusto. Non sono d'accordo con tutto quello che hai detto ma ho letto tutto con interesse. l'unica cosa che non accetto sono gli attacchi personali e purtroppo a volte succede. Molte delle cose che hai detto sono interpretazioni del momento in cui sono avvenuti i fatti, dettate quindi da emozioni diverse con l'handicap di non conoscere la lingua. È legittimo poi cambiare idea

I have no idea what happened, sorry

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1 hour ago, Raddlesnake316 said:

The camera 3.5 had no noise but unfortunately quite quiet I already have the laptop internal speakers at 100%.

If you have a Mac, you can for free download

eqMac. That can boost the volume to the double,

which I find very useful at times.

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Was able to catch the conversation  2 days ago in the hall with Sara and karma  ythey were hugging and laughing and the talk was not serious about them just plain talk I don't know why tantric guy ran back up the stairs  when he heard them

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3 minutes ago, rj281 said:

Sono riuscito a cogliere la conversazione 2 giorni fa nell'atrio con Sara e Karma, si abbracciavano e ridevano e la conversazione non era seria su di loro, semplicemente chiacchiere, non so perché il ragazzo tantrico sia corso di nuovo su per le scale quando ha sentito loro

THank you

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B4 is certainly very quiet now with the absences and not a lot to talk about. Daytona stayed the night then went put again this morning but has still returned alone.

Neytiri at least returned but is now asleep in Wolf's bed.

This is the first time Karma has disappeared off RLC cameras for this length of time I think. Always returns here or B7 and sometimes B1 to sleep.

RLC need to fill the 2 empty beds in B4.

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40 minutes ago, Maxbell said:


 tattoo guy is now common law husband to Sara so she can stay in itally (may be a fact)







Which tattoo guy do you mean the blond one or the one with the black hair? The translation page is funny when I had your post translated he said the tattoo guy is her husband so she can stay in the clinic and not in Italy 😄

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