Anode Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 Il y a 5 heures, JeannieP a dit : Il semblerait qu'elle soit heureuse de sa vie, irrespectueuse désormais de ce que le public peut penser. Paul est également heureux de fermer les yeux sur ce qu'elle fait pour gagner sa vie, donc il n'y a pas de troubles dans l'appartement, elle n'a pas besoin d'être trompeuse quand elle sent qu'elle devrait donner un spectacle, elle va simplement dans la chambre de Paul pour faites-le ou attend qu'il s'endorme puis joue dans sa chambre. Elle vieillit et devient plus sage et sait exactement comment garder son public intéressé. En s'habillant et/ou en s'allongeant nue sur son lit, la majorité des gars resteront collés à l'écran dans l'espoir de quelque chose de plus. Certains gars ici se sont plaints qu'elle était prévisible. , pourtant, il n'y a rien de plus prévisible qu'un homme excité attendant qu'une fille réalise ses fantasmes à sa place. Héhé, et les hommes pensent que ce sont eux qui sont les plus puissants.héhé. Ils sont donc tous les deux heureux, le seul problème étant que certains fans et spectateurs ne le sont pas, semble-t-il. PS : j’ai initialement dit irrespectueux, mais d’une manière ou d’une autre, cela est devenu irrespectueux et chaque fois que j’essaie de le changer, cela redevient irrespectueux. PPS : Héhé, c'est encore fait. Bonjour JeannieP ; Comment voulez vous que Paul ne soit pas heureux , il est nourrit ,blanchi , aucunes charges ( loyer ,électricité ,eau etc , etc )et l'argent que Leora ramené c'est tout a son profit ; Paul se comporte en parfait proxénète !!! 1
Jonno Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 6 hours ago, JeannieP said: It would appear that she is happy with her life now disrespectful of what the audience may think. Paul is also happy to turn a blind eye to what she does to earn a living, so there is no turmoil in the apartment, she doesn't have to be deceitful when she feels she should give a show she goes merely to Paul's room to do it or waits for him to go to sleep and then performs in her room. She is getting older and wiser and knows exactly how to keep her audience interested, by dressing up and or laying naked on her bed will keep the majority of guys glued to the screen hoping for something more.Some guys on here have complained she is predictable , yet there is nothing more predictable than an arroused guy waiting for a girl to fulfill their fantasies for them. Hehe, and men think they are the powerful ones.hehe. So they are both happy, the only problem being that some of the fans and audience aren't it seems. PS: I originally said disrespectful but somehow it got changed to disrespectful and every time I try to change it it reverts back to disrespectful. PPS: Hehe, It's done it again. Would say it's just ones opinion about her being predictable. Also whether it's a show or not. You know what they say about opinions. 🤣 For the confused. They are like assholes. Everybody's got one. 😂 1 1
JeannieP Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 29 minutes ago, Anode said: Hello JeannieP; How do you expect Paul not to be happy, he is fed, laundered, no charges (rent, electricity, water etc, etc) and the money that Leora brings back is all for his benefit; Paul behaves like a perfect pimp!!! But a contented pimp I imagine, and who wouldn’t be? 1
Anode Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 il y a 2 minutes, JeannieP a dit : Mais j'imagine un proxénète content, et qui ne le serait pas ? Cela lui évite de travailler ,de ce lever tôt le matin et de rentrer tard le soir , et je ne suis pas du genre a ce que une femme me face vivre !
JeannieP Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 5 minutes ago, Anode said: This saves him from working, from getting up early in the morning and coming home late in the evening, and I'm not the type to have a woman face me! That’s a noble outlook on life, but unfortunately it’s not you living with Leora, and Paul and her have their own different interpretation on contentment it seems. 1
pulo filipe Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 Leora In a blue sweater lying on the bed on the laptop ☺️
Anode Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 il y a 3 minutes, JeannieP a dit : C'est une vision noble de la vie, mais malheureusement, ce n'est pas vous qui vivez avec Leora, et Paul et elle ont leur propre interprétation différente du contentement, semble-t-il. Ils ont une interprétation de la vie vraiment néandertalien ,mais venant du fin fond de la Sibérie on ne pouvait que s'attendre qu' a cela ! 1
jjohndoe1960 Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 11 hours ago, Brokk! said: I've noticed that Leora tends to take more "breaks" day from one bate (or fuck) to another. Could just be a lull... Wonder if the supposed 'bonuses' are actually a thing - she hasnt been top replay for a while, but then maybe there are 'bonuses' for being top 'popular cam', if so something like right now is easy money (Leora on Cam 10, Paul on PC) - nothing is probably gonna happen, maybe she'd move to another room or Paul will come through for a bit of fun. Whilst i like to watch Leora - im not a huge fan of her 'quiet/sneaky' bates whilst Paul is sat on his PC (i know...he's well aware of whats going on and lets it happen) as they dont really 'hit the same'. If you're being cynical, maybe Paul knows he doesnt need to leave the apartment (and in turn his PC), as Leora will generally always be top cam/replay...
jjohndoe1960 Posted April 24, 2024 Posted April 24, 2024 9 minutes ago, jjohndoe1960 said: Wonder if the supposed 'bonuses' are actually a thing - she hasnt been top replay for a while, but then maybe there are 'bonuses' for being top 'popular cam', if so something like right now is easy money (Leora on Cam 10, Paul on PC) - nothing is probably gonna happen, maybe she'd move to another room or Paul will come through for a bit of fun. ⬆️And im saying that as somebody who likes to watch her tease!
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