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"I think a lot of people are waiting for some sex between those two, it kind of depends on whether Sara wants that, Karma doesn't say no to anyone so who knows."

it's not like they haven't seen their lame sex before.  you are right about one thing though,  karma will let anyone touch her that wishes too.  she is one of the sluttiest tenants rlc has ever had.

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4 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

« Je pense que beaucoup de gens attendent du sexe entre ces deux-là, cela dépend si Sara le veut ou non, Karma ne dit non à personne, alors qui sait. »

ce n'est pas comme s'ils n'avaient jamais vu leur sexe boiteux avant. tu as raison sur une chose cependant, le karma laissera quiconque la toucher s'il le souhaite. elle est l'une des locataires les plus salopes que rlc ait jamais eu.

qqui est plus salope que l'autre???

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3 minutes ago, pajero said:

first and second beautiful duo

there was never any attraction of sara by me.  she is very homely and unattractive as far as i'm concerned.  just her manipulative nature is enough to turn me off.

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29 minutes ago, corvette08 said:

Really? Look at this top cam bullshit. You people are fucked up for falling for her clickbait.

It's not the worst thing going on in the World right now!

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7 hours ago, FrankZabba said:

je n'ai jamais ressenti d'attirance pour Sara. Elle est très simple et peu attirante en ce qui me concerne. Sa nature manipulatrice suffit à me rebuter.

exact de meme pour moi

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