imjsw00 Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 :-X :-X I wish you all the best for your future. I really love and respect you!! (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
madwolf33 Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 from what little I have seen I don't think she really wanted to go. I wonder if she maybe to young or her parents or something is making her move out
komptreyes Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 I'm guessing that Kamila is between 19 and 22 years of age. Nora looks like she's about 25-29. Rita looks to be about 22-27.
sillybilly Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 She will definitely be missed, I only got the premium membership after she and Monica arrived, I can't say any other girl has made me sit watching like she did.
Peteinhull Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 Gutted. She was by far the best, and was even starting to relax just a little bit. You never can tell, she seemed fine yesterday, chatting with Rita, no indication that she planned to leave. Gutted. Oh well, we'll just have to see who else turns up. :'(
Wolwol Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 Probably seemed fine because she knew she was going home. From what little I've seen, unless she was hanging out with Monica, she seemed unhappy. Almost teary at times.
TBG 150 Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 As usual, we're stuck with the queen bitch. About as exciting as watch paint dry.
fiorellino Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 I think it ended the Russian residence permit for Spain
cortes43 Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 On 4/4/2015 at 2:26 PM, fiorellino said: I think it ended the Russian residence permit for Spain The authorization of residence temporary Temporary residence authorized abroad to remain in Spain for a time exceeding 90 days (stay) and less than 5 years (permanent residence). This permission is expected for those who will not play in Spain any gainful activity and is granted upon request of the corresponding visa at the diplomatic mission or Spanish consular office in the place in which to reside abroad. The visa to be granted, where appropriate will incorporate an initial authorization of residence and the computation of its term will start from entry into Spain which shall be indicated on the Passport. It is important to note that the applicant, once granted the visa, should pick it up personally in within 1 month since notified its concession, since if it does not at this time, means that you waiver granted visa leading to the record file. For his part, abroad should enter into Spain within the period of validity of the visa, which shall not exceed 3 months. Once entered into the territory Spanish should apply personally and within 1 month called foreigner identity card, which will be issued for the term of validity of the authorisation of temporary residence which has been granted him abroad. The initial authorisation of temporary residence has a duration of 1 year and can be extended, requesting its renovation, up to a maximum of 5 years. To obtain both the visa and temporary residence authorization, next to the application you must include the following documents: Passport in vigor or ticket that is recognized as valid in Spain, provided that in both cases the minimum duration is one year. If the applicant is of age, criminal record certificate issued by the authorities of the country of origin or of the countries in which it has resided during the last 5 years. a residencia temporal autoriza al extranjero a permanecer en España por un tiempo superior a 90 días (estancia) e inferior a 5 años (residencia permanente). Este permiso se prevé para aquellas personas que no van a desempeñar en España ninguna actividad lucrativa y se concede previa solicitud del correspondiente visado en la misión diplomática u oficina consular española del lugar en que resida el extranjero. El visado que en su caso se conceda, incorporará una autorización inicial de residencia y el cómputo de su vigencia se iniciará desde la entrada en España que se hará constar en el pasaporte. Es importante destacar que el interesado, una vez concedido el visado, deberá recogerlo personalmente en el plazo de 1 mes desde que se le notifique su concesión, dado que si no lo hace en este tiempo, se entenderá que renuncia al visado otorgado procediéndose al archivo del expediente. Por su parte, el extranjero deberá entrar en España dentro del periodo de vigencia del visado que no será superior a 3 meses. Una vez haya entrado en el territorio español deberá solicitar personalmente y en el plazo de 1 mes la llamada Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero, que será expedida por el plazo de validez de la autorización de residencia temporal que se le haya concedido al extranjero. La autorización inicial de residencia temporal tiene una duración de 1 año y puede ser prorrogada, solicitando su renovación, hasta alcanzar un máximo de 5 años. Para poder obtener tanto el visado como la autorización de residencia temporal, junto a la solicitud deberá acompañar los siguientes documentos: Pasaporte en vigor o título de viaje que sea reconocido como válido en España, siempre que en ambos casos la vigencia mínima sea de un año. Si el solicitante es mayor de edad, certificado de antecedentes penales expedido por las autoridades del país de origen o de los países en los que haya residido durante los últimos 5 años.
snaky Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 Lol, what the hell, she left the bottle right there on the floor! Imagine when queenie comes to clean the room, she's gonna be like "what a cunt, at least she could have thrown her sex toy out"
rtom35 Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 On 4/4/2015 at 3:05 PM, snaky said: Lol, what the hell, she left the bottle right there on the floor! Imagine when queenie comes to clean the room, she's gonna be like "what a cunt, at least she could have thrown her sex toy out" I also do not understand, why she don't done the bottle in the trash bin, or better sell it at ebay. That bottle would reach a good price :D
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