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Carla & Mario Pictures - Split #1 Part#1

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100100 if you look at your screen in every apt.has a code on the bottom left hand side  of the screen as long as you take a picture or video without that code showing you should be fine.

I know that canito

Let's see is somebody who has been banned answer how was that

if he or she showed that code or watermarks

I don't think so, should be something else

I got banned a few months ago, did not show the id number in any one of the pictures. don't know if it had watermarks or not but they got me.i had another e-mail address,signed up with that one,but i cancelled my subscription myself on that one.

also i have noticed watermarks in some of the videos that have been recorded but i don't know if the person that recorded them got banned or not.(hope not).you have to be very careful.

Si vous remarquer un moyen d'identification dans une vidéo ou photo que j'ai posté n’hésitez pas à me le dire afin que je la modifie.

If you notice a means of identification in a video or photo I posted do not hesitate to tell me that I might change.

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2000 mexican pesos ($ 123) for just a blowjob? Holy cow!

In Europe you get a blowjob for just € 10-15 and a whole fucking session for around € 25.

No wonder that the mexican economy is such a mess ;D

Looks like a Euro trip is in order soon before the price goes up.  :)

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100100 if you look at your screen in every apt.has a code on the bottom left hand side  of the screen as long as you take a picture or video without that code showing you should be fine.

I know that canito

Let's see is somebody who has been banned answer how was that

if he or she showed that code or watermarks

I don't think so, should be something else

I got banned a few months ago, did not show the id number in any one of the pictures. don't know if it had watermarks or not but they got me.i had another e-mail address,signed up with that one,but i cancelled my subscription myself on that one.

also i have noticed watermarks in some of the videos that have been recorded but i don't know if the person that recorded them got banned or not.(hope not).you have to be very careful.

Exactly army sniper, that's what I thought that people has been banned even without showing the ID code

I'm trying to be very careful

Thank you for your answer

I hope somebody else tell us how got banned

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100100 if you look at your screen in every apt.has a code on the bottom left hand side  of the screen as long as you take a picture or video without that code showing you should be fine.

I know that canito

Let's see is somebody who has been banned answer how was that

if he or she showed that code or watermarks

I don't think so, should be something else

il y a un autre filagramme caché dans la photo!!! parfois on voit les points, mais parfois c'est invisible!!! rlc dépense plus d'argent dans le traçage et l'acharnement de ses abonnés, que par l'investissement de caméras HD, pour ces appartements!!!

there is another watermark hidden in the photo !!! Sometimes we see the points, but sometimes it's invisible !!! rlc is spending more money in the loft and the relentlessness of its subscribers, as the investment HD cameras for these apartments !!! :-\ :-\

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100100 if you look at your screen in every apt.has a code on the bottom left hand side  of the screen as long as you take a picture or video without that code showing you should be fine.

I know that canito

Let's see is somebody who has been banned answer how was that

if he or she showed that code or watermarks

I don't think so, should be something else

il y a un autre filagramme caché dans la photo!!! parfois on voit les points, mais parfois c'est invisible!!! rlc dépense plus d'argent dans le traçage et l'acharnement de ses abonnés, que par l'investissement de caméras HD, pour ces appartements!!!

there is another watermark hidden in the photo !!! Sometimes we see the points, but sometimes it's invisible !!! rlc is spending more money in the loft and the relentlessness of its subscribers, as the investment HD cameras for these apartments !!! :-\ :-\

Sais-tu où se trouve ce filagramme ?

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100100 if you look at your screen in every apt.has a code on the bottom left hand side  of the screen as long as you take a picture or video without that code showing you should be fine.

I know that canito

Let's see is somebody who has been banned answer how was that

if he or she showed that code or watermarks

I don't think so, should be something else

il y a un autre filagramme caché dans la photo!!! parfois on voit les points, mais parfois c'est invisible!!! rlc dépense plus d'argent dans le traçage et l'acharnement de ses abonnés, que par l'investissement de caméras HD, pour ces appartements!!!

there is another watermark hidden in the photo !!! Sometimes we see the points, but sometimes it's invisible !!! rlc is spending more money in the loft and the relentlessness of its subscribers, as the investment HD cameras for these apartments !!! :-\ :-\

Thank you for your answer carboblanc

I didn't know that

I think they might have a additional software to identify those invisible marks to the naked eyes

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c'est les points que tu vois apparaître sur les vidéos, mais je soupçonne rlc d'avoir installé un nouveau moyen d'identification...sur les photos de kamila qui m'ont fait bannir, il n'y avait ni filagrammes, ni numéros, et pourtant!!!

it's the points that you see appear on the videos, but I suspect rlc have installed a new means of identification on ... kamila pictures that made me banish, there was no filagrammes, or numbers, yet !!! :-\

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c'est les points que tu vois apparaître sur les vidéos, mais je soupçonne rlc d'avoir installé un nouveau moyen d'identification...sur les photos de kamila qui m'ont fait bannir, il n'y avait ni filagrammes, ni numéros, et pourtant!!!

it's the points that you see appear on the videos, but I suspect rlc have installed a new means of identification on ... kamila pictures that made me banish, there was no filagrammes, or numbers, yet !!! :-\

Je m'étais fait bannir de la même façon avec les photo de Diana qui se masturbait dans son bain.

Pas de points sur les photo, pas de numéro, rien ! Et je m'étais abonné la veille  >:(

Et ça date de presque 1 an en plus... Ils font bien ce qu'ils veulent tant qu'ils prennent notre pognon !

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