Guest bobbyjoe Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 yarik is on bed with a new girl never see before,they just leave on balcony right now. oops sorry,j have just see there is another topic for that, is it possible one mod can delete this one,thanks
corboblanc Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 rlc on, you can hit your wife live, but not smoke in the apartment !!! oh no, this is not good !!! there are still rules or rlc is uncompromising !!! :o :o ???
corboblanc Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 quelle prestance, quel charisme ce mec!!!! 2 jours après avoir tabassé sa copine, voilà une nouvelle conquête qui le regarde avec des grands yeux admiratifs!!!??? quel homme, quelle magnifique puissance se dégage de lui?!!! un diable dans le dos, qui va de la nuque à la raie du cul!!!!! mais quel connard est capable de ce faire tatouer cela????!!! il ira cogner sa nouvelle conquête loin de nos yeux, la pauvre...... :-[ :-[ :-[ How personable, what charisma that guy !!!! Two days after having beaten his girlfriend, that a new conquest that looks great with admiring eyes !!! ??? what man, what a great power emanates from him? !!! a devil in the back, which runs from the neck to the arsehole !!!!! but any asshole can do what this tattoo ???? !!! he will bump his new conquest away from us, the poor ...... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-\
Guest bobbyjoe Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 c'était son unique chance de rester dans l'appartement en retrouvant une nouvellle copine très rapidement mais çà n'a pas fonctionner,trop de membres se sont plein et rlc n'a plus eu d'autre choix que de mettre l'appart offline sinon je penses que rlc aurait perdu beaucoup de membres
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