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it is what this stupid bastard gzerot0

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Guest giuseppe r

Unfortunately, there are also those people of shit in this world. I went on his youtube account and I insulted him heavily and I pointed out to her youtube account scam. My comment of insults was removed after 30 seconds. Youtube has picked up my report and will soon close its account. I would like to ask the administrator to CamCaps to remove posts of this shit scam.

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Guest NullBurner

kann man den link von den verbrecher nicht löschen

Ich versteh ehrlich gesagt auch nicht warum die Mods die Themen nur geschlossen haben und nicht gelöscht.

Die komische "Anleitung" bleibt somit ja erhalten.

Schon arg seltsam... aber vielleicht wird unser Admin "aufräumen", wenn er online kommt.

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Guest Squirrel

RLC secret agent?

I suspect it's either a "lone" troll from /b trying to boost hits, or an RLC operative.

Either way, it's a trap and we really don't need this crap on camcaps. Do Not Click.

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Guest Squirrel

What does "/b" mean?

It refers to a sub-board at 4chan.org. Formerly it was, and still is, a breeding ground and play ground for trolls. It's the granddaddy of all imageboards. Think of it as the Wild West of the Internet. It's a sub-culture type of thing. Loaded by trolls, but also by great creativity. Not for children. In fact, it's a cesspool. And it truth, this is where many Internet memes are created. It's interesting, though now days quite tamed by various governments.

My sense of personal hygiene requires that I not link to it directly, since even the most disgusting camcaps member would find it to be a dangerous and offensive place.

It's for wizards...

For an example of how 4chan has created cultural Internet memes, perhaps you should start with this:

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