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Juke Box Split #3


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Thanks.  He died some time ago, but was consider a singers singer. 

He never cared one wit about fame, and so that is why he is still relatively unknown by many.

However Peter, Paul and Mary mentions his name in one of their songs.  And whenever word would get out that he was recording a lot of famous singers would go to the studio to listen to him.  Even Bob Dylan, with his engorge ego would attend.

Me too Fred. 

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Good music, woodworker.

Here's someone else who didn't seek the spotlight, so to speak.  He and Mr. Neil have it in common that they were thought of very highly by their peers, and were an influence in the music of their peers.

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I like it.    It's natural, not that studio packaged crap we get fed so much of these days.

It's also nice to hear a guitar that doesn't just sound like some over amped hornet in heat.

I like so many different forms of music.  From classical, to you name it.  If it's good, it's good.

What I don't like is Hip Hop, Rap, or that head banging heavy metal crap.  It's never good, and it isn't even music as far as I'm concern, just a lot of noise. 

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