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Yesterday or the day before, Carla and Mario got into it about something. They had someone come over to talk about it (I think) - they went to the extra room without sound to talk. After that, Carla left for the night, leaving Mario alone for about 24 hours. When she cam back, they seemed to make up. (watching without understanding the language can be very misleading - wish there was a translator.)

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Something just happened again.  They were on the couch earlier eating and cuddling.  Looked like they went into the bedroom and just a while later I saw them back in the living room.  She was stomping around obviously pissed.  Looked like she packed up the cat and left.  Just after she walked out he got up and locked the door and walked back to the couch shaking his head.

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Heres a rough explanation of what happened:

Just before going to bed, Mario saw some wet clothes on the floor. Those were some clothes he needed and was Carla's duty to hang up the clothes.

So, he asked to "Come here and see this", but Carla decided to ignore it and get into bed. Marios stayed in the living room asking for her to come but she was only answering "I'm already in bed" while Mario said "I asked PLEASE for you tome come BEFORE you get into the bed".

Things went like that untill Mario picked up all the wet clothes and throw it next to Carla's bed. She furiously got up and proceed to hang up the clothes, and that was enough for that night. Argument followed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wish the cat wasn't caught up in all this.

they seem to ignore it and even lock it in a closet like that bastard yaric used to do. , why do they have a cat in the first place..

they are just a couple of slobs and I don't find them attractive in any way 

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2 hours ago, ships diver said:

I wish the cat wasn't caught up in all this.

they seem to ignore it and even lock it in a closet like that bastard yaric used to do. , why do they have a cat in the first place..

they are just a couple of slobs and I don't find them attractive in any way 

I wish I could give you multiple reputations for this post but I just can't.....but you are 100% right!

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