hiddenwood7468 Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 En pleno enfado... (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed) 8
Hope85 Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 On 10/28/2016 at 12:36 PM, hiddenwood7468 said: En pleno enfado... (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed) Expand ...no veo tus imágenes, porqué no las subes aquí: http://keep4u.ru/ SALUDOS 3
ChickenMadras Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 ^^Great captures from last nights party, great posts^^
letsdothis Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 On 10/29/2016 at 6:52 PM, Karst1234567890 said: schade das immer nur Bilder von den freizugenglichen räumen hier gepostet werden und die anderen die man nur sehen kann wenn man bei R L C Vollmitglied ist , werden nicht gepostet würde gerne mal wissen warum Expand I'm not quite sure what you meant by the first part of your statement, but rather than: " ...you can only see when you are a full member of R L C..." maybe you meant, "...when you are a full member of CC," because being a RLC member, of any kind, won't get you anything on this forum, except a hearty "thank you" when you post something from any of the non-free cameras. Hope this is helpful. If I misunderstood what you were saying, let me know. Blame it on Google's translator. 1
KMS Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 On 10/30/2016 at 1:17 AM, letsdothis said: I'm not quite sure what you meant by the first part of your statement, but rather than: " ...you can only see when you are a full member of R L C..." maybe you meant, "...when you are a full member of CC," because being a RLC member, of any kind, won't get you anything on this forum, except a hearty "thank you" when you post something from any of the non-free cameras. Hope this is helpful. If I misunderstood what you were saying, let me know. Blame it on Google's translator. Expand If I not misunderstand Karst1234567890 asks why there are no pictures from closed cams. RLC members rarely share a picture here because of watermark problem. It's prohibited to share pictures from RLC and when they catch you from your watermark, RLC ban your account. That's why RLC members doesn't take the risk and share notting from close cams. Us at the other hand, we don't fear of banning because we don't have membership and can see only freecams. 2
letsdothis Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 On 10/30/2016 at 5:20 PM, KMS said: If I not misunderstand Karst1234567890 asks why there are no pictures from closed cams. RLC members rarely share a picture here because of watermark problem. It's prohibited to share pictures from RLC and when they catch you from your watermark, RLC ban your account. That's why RLC members doesn't take the risk and share notting from close cams. Us at the other hand, we don't fear of banning because we don't have membership and can see only freecams. Expand Even though I'm not a RLC member, I understand about the prohibition on posting their content and watermarks and banning, etc. What I don't understand, is Google. The first time I translated what Karst1234567890 wrote, it said: "Too bad that only pictures of the blank spaces are posted here and the other one you can only see when you are a member of R L C will not be posted." I wasn't sure what "blank spaces" meant, but since it said, "are posted here" (meaning here in this forum), it seemed that the second part of the statement was referring to another kind of post (here in this forum), that you had to be a member of RLC in order to see. Hence, my first reply. After getting your reply, I translated it again, and this is what I got: "Too bad that only pictures of the freizugenlichen cleanings are posted here and the other one you can only see when you are a member of R L C will not be posted." Google wouldn't even translate that F-word and it stuck the word "cleanings" in there, which had even less meaning to me than the first translation. So, now I've seen three translations and I'm completely clueless as to what he was saying, although I would trust yours over Google's, since you seem to also be German, or at least speak German. So, forget what I said in my first reply. I think I'll forget Google. 1
klohn5 Posted October 31, 2016 Posted October 31, 2016 On 10/30/2016 at 7:25 PM, letsdothis said: Even though I'm not a RLC member, I understand about the prohibition on posting their content and watermarks and banning, etc. What I don't understand, is Google. The first time I translated what Karst1234567890 wrote, it said: "Too bad that only pictures of the blank spaces are posted here and the other one you can only see when you are a member of R L C will not be posted." I wasn't sure what "blank spaces" meant, but since it said, "are posted here" (meaning here in this forum), it seemed that the second part of the statement was referring to another kind of post (here in this forum), that you had to be a member of RLC in order to see. Hence, my first reply. After getting your reply, I translated it again, and this is what I got: "Too bad that only pictures of the freizugenlichen cleanings are posted here and the other one you can only see when you are a member of R L C will not be posted." Google wouldn't even translate that F-word and it stuck the word "cleanings" in there, which had even less meaning to me than the first translation. So, now I've seen three translations and I'm completely clueless as to what he was saying, although I would trust yours over Google's, since you seem to also be German, or at least speak German. So, forget what I said in my first reply. I think I'll forget Google. Expand On 10/29/2016 at 6:52 PM, Karst1234567890 said: schade das immer nur Bilder von den freizugenglichen räumen hier gepostet werden und die anderen die man nur sehen kann wenn man bei R L C Vollmitglied ist , werden nicht gepostet würde gerne mal wissen warum Expand @letsdothis Hi letsdothis, what he said was: It's a pitty that only pictures from the free rooms are posted in the forum. And the other pictures (I guess he ment the premium rooms) can only be seen, when you are an RLC full member. And in his second sentence he wants to know why only pictures from the free rooms will be posted. The problem is, google translator cannot translate grammatical and typing mistakes, then there is only a pointless word row. I will explain him the situation with the watermarks in German. @Karst1234567890 Das Problem ist, dass jeder User eine sogenannte "Wateremark" hat, also quasi einen Code, der unten links im Bild steht. Anhand dieses Codes können die Betreiber hinter RLC sehen, wer diese Bilder verbreitet hat und da es verboten ist, Bilder und Videos aus den Premium-Bereichen zu verbreiten, möchte keiner der Premium Mitglieder das Risiko eingehen und diese Bilder verbreiten. Die Mitglieder können dann nämlich von RLC gesperrt werden. Das ist der Grund dafür, dass hier größtenteils keine Bilder und Videos aus den Premium Bereichen geteilt werden. Es gibt für dich allerdings noch die Möglichkeit, dich bei CamCaps, hier in diesem Forum als Premium Mitglied einzukaufen. Das Ganze kostet nur 12$ im Jahr und wird einmalig bezahlt. Damit hast du Zugriff auf alle Dateien, die hier in diesem hochgeladen werden, runterzuladen. Wenn du noch fragen hast, frag einfach. 3
letsdothis Posted October 31, 2016 Posted October 31, 2016 On 10/31/2016 at 8:19 AM, klohn5 said: @letsdothis Hi letsdothis, what he said was: It's a pitty that only pictures from the free rooms are posted in the forum. And the other pictures (I guess he ment the premium rooms) can only be seen, when you are an RLC full member. And in his second sentence he wants to know why only pictures from the free rooms will be posted. The problem is, google translator cannot translate grammatical and typing mistakes, then there is only a pointless word row. I will explain him the situation with the watermarks in German. Expand I appreciate the explanation. Thank you.
philk Posted November 1, 2016 Posted November 1, 2016 On 10/25/2016 at 10:38 PM, Hope85 said: Expand pat the kitty 8
yarir Posted November 2, 2016 Posted November 2, 2016 On 11/2/2016 at 8:55 PM, hiddenwood7468 said: Expand did she really suck it on public cam? 1
philk Posted November 4, 2016 Posted November 4, 2016 On 11/4/2016 at 12:36 AM, Hope85 said: Expand just fantastic 6
Qwerty57 Posted November 6, 2016 Posted November 6, 2016 On 11/5/2016 at 11:01 PM, StnCld316 said: Expand in the name of all the girls that come here I want to thank you because there is a lot of straight girls here that are not interested into girls naked and that are really happy to see him masturbating 11
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