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Everything posted by bluto

  1. Manny helps the other team score,,,what a dip shit he was,,,,
  2. Speaking of gross,weird movies,,Monty Python is the best for that,,,,,and i wouldn't change it for a minute..
  3. I believe many cops suffer from Napoleon syndrome (lil man syndrome) as well as many having been bullied in school now they have the badge and gun and power to fuck with people as they were fucked with,,just my psychological guess.And lets not forget,many law enforcement people are ex-military irag war vets,nothing against them,but i'm sure the ones that saw battle are most likely to know how to handle a situation,or go truly bat shit crazy from what they have seen,or done over there,not much in between i'm thinking.
  4. Ok,i have one here about them 'investigating' an individual,and the next thing you know,he's dead. So i'm getting a feeling that they set these people up for it by maybe pushing their buttons and goading them into acting out,and putting him down,kind of acting as judge and jury,all they have to say is they were ''home grown terrorists'' and meant harm to law enforcement,or public officials.I think these actions are sanctioned,legal assassinations on americans who may be speaking up against the government,or police.My distrust for law enforcement,or government officials is more now than ever as i get older and see and hear more.I think this shit they are doing is beyond wrong,,ANYONE CAN BE NEXT,,and THEY will justify it by demonizing that person,,,
  5. Because this is not the picture thread. Simple answer,for a simple question,,,,LMAO,,,wtf.
  6. When you all realize you are just idiots who love to speculate when you ovulate,it will be a better world for you all.It is very obvious how her leg was injured,it happened when the aliens abducted her and teleported her aboard their space craft and experimented on her leg,,then mind fucked her,,now she is pregnant with a fucked up leg.I hope this clears everything up.GEEEZ. :o
  7. LMAO + EWWWW,thats kinda nasty,lol.Had to modify,,, reminds me of this,hahaha
  8. I wish them luck if they are not coming back in another apartment,they were a good couple,when Anton paid attention to her that is.If Alina found a good job and is leaving Anton,,good for her also.Moving on,all we can hope for is a good couple to move in and enjoy as much as i did with them.So good luck to them and the cat.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eYSpIz2FjU
  10. I will miss the cat :P ;D ,,,IF they are moving.
  11. Maybe now that neanderthal will have to get a job and stop looking at himself and touching himself in the mirror,,,, i never cared for them,kind of like a mom and son living together,,I would love to see Isabel come back,,,that sweet Spanish ass.
  12. such a nice little mail slot... great body on her without a doubt.
  13. LOL Beating a dead horse. ;D you got it,,,,like many other threads that should have died after one page.
  14. And here we are again with a useless,baseless,thread,, http://media.giphy.com/media/wSU1U3h1PFFsc/giphy.gif
  15. No big loss,actually,,no loss at all, :P hope they get a good couple this time.BON VOYAGE !!!
  16. I think in some cases,losing posts in some threads may be a good thing and this was CamCaps just acting like a dog and shaking off the fleas,,,,, ;D
  17. I am just happy to be here again,i thought i was banned :( , or CC was shut down,,whew . 8)
  18. Just saying welcome back and good job admin. getting CC up and running again. As that rodent fella said,i can't see my sexy,handsome avatar as in mr. bean,lol,,but im sure that will all be worked out. Just figured i would check my profile and it was reset to no profile picture selected,,,so just download your profile picture again and it will appear,,thank god my sexy avatar is back,,hahaha
  19. THe best way to close this discussion is to ask the guy who was at the origin of this discussion for the adress of the supposed website. Now you know what you have to do. Your right---I have just PM'd the originator of the comment. If he answers, I will inform ! 2:00PM EDT on May 30. Slider_69 slider, what has occurred to you without opening actual proofs for these Thread and committing an immense call murder of Nora and the Girls . Like a small bell-boy, \"Hurrah, I know what\". Is to be apologised afterwards too late, the accusations become the self-running. Proofs, or are quiet. There are enough idiots in the forum who believe immediately every nonsense. I PM'd the guy, but he has been OFFLINE all day. Will Let you know when and if I hear from him. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK ALREADY,,,,ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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