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Posts posted by wooders78

  1. 3 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

    With this reasoning they should send girls away even when they have their period. Everything is fine now but it seems a bit drastic to me...For me Lavika is leaving only because her contract with rlc in Barcelona has now expired.

    she has been there nearly a year, the other girls leaving have only been there a few months, a few months too long in most cases

  2. 5 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

    In the list of those who leave, we forgot Lavicka's brother, I was getting tired of seeing him in the apartment without Lavicka being there,

    I appreciate Lavicka because she is one of the few to always give her fans a beautiful show but lately, nothing and elsewhere in someone who had a dog with whom she even came once and in addition she leaves us her (brother) in the apartment alone with girls ..

    last night he was drunk in villa B4, he had a blast

    he is replacing lavi, u keep asking for more guys LOL

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