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Posts posted by wooders78

  1. 1 hour ago, kris66 said:

    Now 3 drunk girls in Anthonys room while he try to make his bed. Gloria, Wendy and Azuza.  And off they go again into Glorias room where Aziza is in the bed (the only one not drunk).
    Gloria back in Anthonys room trying to open his closet - for what i don't know..I doubt she knows herself.

    Now he got angry at her and trying to kick her out.

    Oh and a crushed glass on the floor...  Here we go again!

    he would have fucked her like when it happened on party night if he didnt have an offcam relationship with zara

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  2. 23 minutes ago, kris66 said:

    Since the night with Anthony and Glorias "meltdown" the house dynamic is very differnt. Dylan usally is home alone and haven't hooked up with Ashley for a while now. Anthony goes out even though he's also been home alone the last couple of days and the girls goes out every day and night.   wtf?  

    they crammed all the crazy into the first week to get people subbing and now its normal RLC of pitstops and sleeping, enjoy LOL

  3. 34 minutes ago, moules said:

    It is too late in the day to sort through the Ids, egos, super egos, and alter egos, so I will make the simple observation that Tani arrived back at B-4 after 52+ hours navigating her way in the labyrinthine lair of her current boyfriend, perhaps aided by T&T.

    Two weekends in a row of protracted absences from the RLC stage suggest that she may now be more interested in her boyfriend than in RLC, and, as a consequence, she may soon be shown the exit from the stage.

    I bring up T&T because at the Saturday afternoon welcoming party at B-7, Tani and Tereza engaged in a serious conversation away from the others, which ended with Tereza giving Tani a big, sisterly hug and embrace. 

    if one's heart and mind is elsewhere, then one will simply be going through the motions at the place that is paying you.

    Perhaps she is vulnerable and too easily manipulated by a controlling man.  Tim, after all, compelled her to sleep in his bed, and be safe from the predatory behavior of the lesbian bitches Lilith and Taylor.  It is probably far too much to expect that Tani and this boyfriend sleep together in her bed, but is it too much for the two of them to occasionally socialize together at the villas, or at B-5?


    3 weekends in a row since the B5 party, plus a few days midweek as well

  4. 2 hours ago, Slow said:

    have you ever though what would you do if in a RLC villa?

    Probably it depends on the deal (which we do not know) but it may be something like:

    - as a RLC interviewer I would look for different types of persons so that I can satisfy more viewers (this could explains why so members call some girls sluts others not, I would never call any girl a "slut" anyway)

    - I read here that there are bonuses for being top cam

    - I could be a friend of someone who has already been there and therefore I know what makes top cam (mostly sex)

    - I have some experience on TikTok or OF (not necessarily fucking on cam but also something less direct, just teasing) and I accept being on cam 24h. I have some experience.

    Oh I forgot, I am here for money (there may be some other exceptions, where I am "in between" and I pay no rent but I do whatever I want, more or less, and I'm not interested in top cam bonuses).

    Also forgot, I like sex, a lot!

    What would you do?

    Who do you think fits this possible profile?

    RLC doesnt do interviews, the tenants get new people, they say to their friend, do u want some free money and carry on leading ur life outside and theres ur next tenant

  5. 4 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

    As bad as he is and admittedly I wish there was another guy there, one thing I will at least give him all the credit in the world for: as embarrassing as it is to constantly fail at sex with these numerous women, he must have all the confidence in the world to keep setting himself up for said embarrassment. Had I been in his shoes, I'm not too proud to admit I'd probably would have ran for the hills. But I commend him for keep trying. I do think he should seriously consider taking some medication because this happens to him a lot.

    he could tell her that he has had a soft dick problem for years and its not her fault she couldnt get him hard, then she wont feel bad

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