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Posts posted by wooders78

  1. 1 minute ago, Alladino said:


    I don't think it would really be a problem if this wasn't used to just completely avoid living in the apartments, too. The problem is not that the girls are not always in the apartments, but that the girls, when they are there, obviously censor their lives too much. There is simply far too little happening, and when something does happen, it's one of those ridiculous shows or boredom like in the waiting room. The problem in the apartments is that there is far too little action.


    the girls are too tired to do anything after being out all day or night, the only time they show any excitement is when they are getting ready for a night out

  2. 37 minutes ago, Alladino said:


    Well, I think it's pretty obvious that RLC has chosen a guy in Lacrim who plays at least one league too low for most of the girls who live with him in the villas. However, he probably would not have had a chance in any case, considering how many of the girls in B4 would never really fully participate in RLC. The current lack of action is simply a result of poor casting. Even the few active girls can no longer compensate for this. There is simply a lack of cute girls who participate fully.  

    I think GoV has reached a point where they should replace the entire cast in GoV and CoV (including Nelly and Bodgan). I know many here don't like to hear it, but maybe they should think about casting a few young couples altogether. There are a lot of rooms that would be good for couples. Ideal would probably be at least one actual lesbian couple, to bring in a little more variety. But it really doesn't make sense to have more and more girls there, where nothing ever happens even over a serveral months-long stay.

    it doesnt matter who they put in while they are allowed to come and go as they please, empty apts and watching girls sleep doesnt sell subscriptions

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