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Posts posted by wooders78

  1. 4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Hmm ..  it seems that whoever is present in B1 currently ( especially Sambuka ) hasn’t been informed that in this apartment - ESPECIALLY IN THIS VERY NIGHT HOURS - loudness /noise / high DB in general isn’t allowed .. the last time the police appeared and saw the closing of B1 for a period ( before being inhabited by girls who didn’t even speak at night hours 😂) - it was when we were introduced to Harley , the time the 4 musketeers were running the place ( Ulyana , Olivia , Fiora ,Harley ) - .. someone could tell that Sambuka at least knows this from Harley , at the moment it is loud and let’s see how it goes and how it ends up .. 

    they arent allowed to take money from punters without delivering the goods either LOL

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