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Everything posted by juanmanuel

  1. para salir de dudas se lo peguntare a ambas ok ? ya os contare
  2. Haber si terminamos con el tema de las nacionalidades ok? 1ºleora y paul -rusos y viven en rusia 2ºlora y max -rusos y viven en rusia 3ºalina y anton -rusos y viven en rusia 4ºmaya y estepan -rusos y viven en rusia 5ºnora y kiko -rusos y viven en españa(barcelona) 6ºisabel y marcelo -ella sudamericana, el español ,viven en españa (barcelona) 7ºalma y stefan -ella rumana el español ,viven en españa (barcelona) Espero que con esto halla quedado claro la nacionalidad de cada una de las pareja ,al igual que su lugar de donde viven . Have if we end up with the issue of nationalities ok? 1 leora and paul-Russian and live in Russia 2nd ridley and max-Russian and live in Russia Alina 3rd and anton-Russian and live in Russia Mayan 4th Estepan-Russian and live in Russia Nora and kiko 5th-Russian and live in Spain (Barcelona) Isabel and marcelo 6th-her South American, Spanish, living in Spain (Barcelona) Stefan 7th soul and her Romanian-Spanish, living in Spain (Barcelona) I hope this is clear is the nationality of each partner, as well as their place of where they live.
  3. since he was born is impossible given the fluided with speaking but if not can be Romanian Russian that's for sure only have to look good and be a little careful to realize that he has a Spanish accent is not
  4. solo hay que fijarse bien y estar un poco atento para darse cuenta de que tiene un acento que no es español
  5. desde que nacio es imposible, por la fluided con la que hablaba pero si no es rusa puede ser rumana eso es seguro
  6. haber si aclaramos las cosas de una vez.Ellos viven en barcelona españa.El es español pero ella no,la he oido hablar con su madre por telefono y yo diria que era un idioma de los paises de la antigua rusia
  7. ;D ;D ;D ;D jajajajajaj are not looking for anything.'re just looking that she's been bitten by a midge on his popo (vajina) jajajjajajaj
  8. Je vais esplicar.Nora vit en Espagne, à Barcelone. Suffit de regarder un peu plus prudent dans les magasins de Fíjate de publicité dans le temps et souvent mettre la télévision de langue espagnole et catalane. Brochures ont également une discothèque que cette à Barcelone et que le personnel rejida esplicacion ruso.Espero que ce sera utile pour vous de savoir où ils résident. Désolé pour mon français donc j'ai un peu rouillé
  9. Right, her name is (Edited) and (Edited) oh and I'm also Spanish greetings from (Edited)
  10. first learns you well. (Edited) is not your berdadero name btw I'm not going to say .2 nd just arrived in Barcelona Spain is impossible to know the location of the security cameras to shops and 3rd before talking contrasts information you have or have you not challenge largemouth anyone if you're not 100% sure
  11. really not called nor isabel and marcelo
  12. stefan and Isabella are killing lleba not stand. Isabel is the best friend of soul and stefan supports it. Discussed last night for that reason. Alma this crossfire between two and do not know to do
  13. stefan e isabel se lleban a matar no se aguantan . Isabel que es la mejor amiga de alma no soporta a stefan y el a ella .Anoche discutieron por ese motivo .Alma esta entre dos fuegos cruzados y no sabe que hacer
  14. We have to raise this thread from Isabel and marcelo, but their real names are not those ma'll keep reporting on her life. I leave a small catch. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  15. 1-close a room 2nd todad the cameras are almost maintenance and look very bad (are blurred, misguided, blind spots) and 3 º the server has problems and can be connected noi all day but subcipcion if that still charge and not give us over the days and e have been without service. this is going from bad to worse. dont expect to renew subcriccion >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
  16. RLC impossible to access. throughout the day. It happens to someone else? >:( >:( >:( >:(
  17. Spain there are no problems of oil or anything like that where you get your it?
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