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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. All depends on what you are after... Apart from being older, not much different from the rest.
  2. Was meaning that someone has normally done one, ready for you to do your thing.
  3. "So many girls in the one room (3). Something interesting will happen there!" Yes we believe you .lol.
  4. Another apartment @StnCld316.. Clearly not popular that have not been started already .lol.
  5. Never bought him but he is good stats wise. Valued at around £750,000
  6. He new or been giving a second chance!? .lol.
  7. Blackburn Rovers man... But keep an eye on all leagues and teams for fantasy football etc.
  8. Best idea.. Do not want him getting too tired in his old age .lol.
  9. Mr.Cammoaner will be annoyed you have pointed it out first .lol.
  10. .lol. Him and Charlie Wyke... What a strike force .lol.
  11. Another auditioned couple have done what's needed to get on the show .lol.
  12. Sirius & Lily!! What a massive surprise to see them get own apartment .lol.
  13. Really surprised!!? Having boring people recruiting people just as boring....
  14. Always good to see a couple up their game once they move into own apartment .lol. 💤
  15. Happy soul and life of any party... Must have been his great dancing that won over Dasha .lol.
  16. You have Deborah giving Ian another enthusiastic bj.... How can you be bored .lol.
  17. To be fair these two are cleaner and more domesticated then others... At least they know what a mop & bucket is used for .lol.
  18. How would they survive without them!! .lol.
  19. Well, he did not exactly have much more going for him .lol.
  20. Even more stupid when twitter account are posting content associated with the apartment .lol.
  21. Thank Jesus we cannot smell.... Can only imagine what some of these girls vagis smell like, and also the apartments .lol.
  22. Showing once more the level of creativity these girls and others have.... Anyone with a pussy and half a brain can do that kinda BS .lol.
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