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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Jonno

    Leora & Malia Show

    Other ways to see what them and others are doing without being a paying member. Just because certain members enjoy staged shows, does not mean everyone does. JMHO!
  2. Jonno

    Leora & Malia Show

    Very staged and all about making a show.
  3. Not really been a fresh new addition. Rather boring and nothing that can't be viewed on other apartments.
  4. Sounds like you are having fun, and why not. I wouldn't be able to either, but suppose it depends on how much is to be made and getting as many views as possible. Nothing wrong with saying the truth, no matter how many you have had 😂
  5. Why go straight to the finale when they can stretch it out. Plus it gives Melissa time to get as much alcohol down her throat that's needed to perform.
  6. Jonno

    Leora & Malia Show

    I enjoyed watching Leora when I first joined, but now just looks very desperate and exactly the same as the Barcelona showgirls.
  7. The children that have no sense of humour and don't enjoy their tenants being made fun of 🚼
  8. Very funny @henriPas. Better watch, certain members might get upset 😂
  9. Would not do anything on them. Same leg setup as Mira&Henry and look what happened to their one lol
  10. More great pictures guys and one topic always worth a look 👍
  11. Shame Rebecca let herself down by hiding under duvet earlier.
  12. Viewing figures must be down. Been in the same in your face position for ages. Not doing it for camera of course. 😁
  13. Don't apologise. Allowed to give your opinion no matter what it is. Just part of the Real World and some do it more than others. One thing about this sort of thing, you notice peoples bad habits which we all have.
  14. Like it makes a difference. Who gets paid the most and what do guests get for their performance?
  15. They have always been BS no matter what sites they have been on. If people are still excited by it, more fool them. I would bet very few have done it in Real Life, and nothing more than following a show guide these sites have.
  16. Don't let your fingers write checks your body can't cash.
  17. 👍 Should never be any interaction between tenants and members. Since when is that part of voyeurism. Takes it even further out the aspect than it already is.
  18. Have to respect if she is trying self isolation. No one else looks to be giving a fuck. Everyone will find out in time what the real amount of deaths are.
  19. How many have use seen where they paint crap on one another then just straight away wash it off. Completely pointless!
  20. Marry is nice but always looks uncomfortable. Can't see them lasting long.
  21. Was a load of BS when the Barca-apartments started doing it and no different now. Many got bored of it years ago.
  22. Ruth is clearly the Dom in this relationship.
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