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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Even if they only wanted Russians and Ukrainians. Barcelona is full of them. Just laziness. IMO
  2. Miss. Hand-Hovering/spread. Shows how bad it's been when she's in the replays. 🙄
  3. Insayn at the kitchen table working 🤣
  4. Can't find anyone. Telling me they/someone couldn't go out in Barcelona and find girls willing to participate.
  5. Idiots shouldn't be allowed to 'supposedly' speak up/out for them as well. Tibore fully agrees with majority of what is said btw. 🤣
  6. I know that. That not against one of the many rules 🤣
  7. Not got the energy to build up or take control. Not enough sleep. 😂
  8. You give your opinions, just like others are allowed theirs. Is a forum after all. Positive and negative. Katspread is nothing more than a piss take. Simple as. Good day.
  9. For some that's way too hard. Always got to be dickheads, stirring up shit. Works both ways. Not allowed to give opinions here, even though paying towards peoples lazy lifestyles.
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