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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Pretty obvious when she walks in with a bikini on lol. Not like she's just going to whip it off half way through. 🤣
  2. House guests leaving. Linda will get her couch back. 😆
  3. Barbie knickers off. Rubbing away.
  4. Welcome to CamCaps. You'll get use to the weird and wonderful. 🤣
  5. Hopefully will. Big loss, especially with Sophia going as well. The latest arrivals not exactly been a success ( early days for Evdita).
  6. Like a lot of people. Maybe he has a thing called a "job".
  7. Change soon enough or she'll be another one that's 🤣 Or realise she can't handle it and leave.
  8. Give her/them a chance. Barely been together.
  9. Suppose like most, depends what you have going on and time. Normal compared to some, and at least give viewers something regularly.
  10. It is. Doing the rounds of friends. Elli had a shot yet 🤣
  11. Like majority of girls are working girls, majority of men that visit are employed by or brought in by RLC. 🤣
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