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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. You'll have to contact her. She couldn't think of that herself. 🤣
  2. Showing him a video of her with Amalia and Midget.
  3. He's got the t-shirt already. 🤣 Lilith not exactly a hard conquest.
  4. Catching practice for Leora and Numbnuts.
  5. Girls should slip away to the bedroom. 🤣
  6. Chubby bearded older guy. Amazing what money can get you. 😆
  7. Not of been easier taking the crap of the wall first. 🫣
  8. Well, it ain't going to be nothing RLC got involved in. 😁
  9. Neon sign going up above the headboard. Let's hope it's fixed well. 🤣
  10. One of Ken's hobbies is being a horse.
  11. Explains what she's doing when out the apartment. 😁
  12. Eris packing a bag. Off cam fun times. 🤔😆
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