i saw it, and i meant that she did noting for him he did all the job and when it was her turn she just said she was shy and let her have blue balls the same as whit this guy that was what i meant. hope it cleared that up fore you
What do you mean? why can these people live there life like normal people, do the have to be home for the cameras and be all fake like they don't have a life. i like that she have friends and live like normal girls. is it not called real life or did i get it wrong. do they have to live by the users command , like grow up.
Did you hear what Heidi asked Kami i the Bathroom. She asked if the guy was in a relationship Kami said no. The she asked if she had sex and Kami gave a joking awnser, so we all now what kind of trip she was on a so called "Bussines trip".