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Everything posted by HappyChappie

  1. I wasn't having a go DD, just saying I'll move this debate to the footy thread. πŸ˜‰
  2. I've left my reply in the footy thread in the gov1 forum. Save cluttering this thread up. πŸ˜‰
  3. This European super league talk about football league kicking out or banning clubs involved in it is bull crap. Where would the Spanish league be without Real Madrid and Barcelona? Where would the Italian league be without Juventus and the Milan clubs? Where would the England league be without the so called big six? All those leagues would miss out on billions of Β£$E if these most famous of clubs were not in their leagues. A lot of people think a super league is inevitable, it might be if the none relegation idea was dropped.
  4. Nelly and Bogdan could make today even more happier for me if they too were shown the door like Gina and Cesar and Mourinho. πŸ™‚
  5. Yes, I had a couple earlier at the pub with the temperature being a nice 12c. πŸ™‚ Insisted on contactless payment though.
  6. Why not join in with them and save a bit of money. πŸ™‚ No chance of me doing it as I'm half alcoholic. πŸ™‚
  7. I wonder if I could get in being as fellas are allowed to stay now, I'm getting quiet good at russian and ukrainian...I can wolf whistle in both langauges. πŸ™‚ You only need to know two words, pryvit and zabyraysya. 🀣
  8. A sexy policewoman would be most welcome. 😁 She could search Cesar's bags too. 🀣
  9. That's a nice task you've put yourself forward for. Let us know how many girls you asked before you get arrested for sexual harassment. πŸ™‚
  10. And yet here you are watching Holly and co again. Did you get to follow those girls into the showers like you do Holly? 🀣 On a more serious note did you ask any of those girls if they'd be interested in taking part on rlc. We always looking for new girls. πŸ™‚
  11. Is that who it is, I couldn't make out who was sitting with Masha. I saw Nelly get her bike from the garage too.
  12. What happened to Holly? All done up and dressed to kill ready to go out an hour ago. Now back on her bed.
  13. Well if Masha wanted to do anything with Megan she's had plenty of time this week. Holly as stayed in her own room a majority of the time Masha as been at B4. Plus you know Megan likes a multi girl show. πŸ™‚
  14. From what I saw Holly was on the balcony when Megan and Masha were in the tub. Holly then popped in the bathroom when Masha was getting off with the bath jet Megan beckoned Holly to join as Masha was about to climax. I don't see how you can blame Holly for that. πŸ™‚ Edit: Holly was in the tub with Megan and Masha before she went out on the balcony.
  15. Well, if I was shown a picture of a naked woman no matter how pretty or how old they are the last thing I'd look at is her nails. πŸ˜‰ And all the girls on rlc are good looking to me. πŸ™‚
  16. And when you looked at this picture was your first thought about her nails? Just wondering. πŸ™‚
  17. Your friend is watching Megan totaly naked and he asking your thoughts on her nails? lol πŸ™‚
  18. That is a very nice and pleasent response from you Harley, I half expected a damning retort from you, but I will say thank you. πŸ™‚
  19. Well, the next girl could be a recycle I've not seen before so win win for me. πŸ™‚
  20. Isn't this Ariana's first stay, although she's been here for a while? And isn't this Radi's first stay? Don't give up hope! πŸ™‚
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