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Everything posted by HappyChappie

  1. So would you be disappointed if she didn't get hammered so you can be disappointed? πŸ˜„
  2. I'd like at see Sera get hammered, she how she acts. πŸ™‚
  3. First time I've looked in here for a while, Amalia as put some weight on.
  4. I'm sure Alek is on speed, she's none stop bouncing around. lol πŸ™‚
  5. You want to see them suffering? Maybe you should be banned from rlc for 24 hours and let us watch you being tortured. πŸ™‚
  6. I've always been a gentleman. πŸ™‚ That's why I'm surprised you are surprised to realised it. πŸ™‚
  7. Yes, this is where they go to get off camera when it's not so cold they have to go in the garage. There are plenty of blind spots in that villa. The fitness room was one for 3 years. πŸ™‚
  8. Well I like a good tease so a lapdance with a nice arse grind every now and then. πŸ™‚
  9. Well, look before the pandemic. Typical stay was 3 months. You cannot blame them for their longer stays during a pandemic. EDIT: Especially as their jobs have likely disappeared during the pandemic like in a lot of other countries.
  10. When this pandemic is over and there are jobs going all over world looking to be filled I'm having a look at jobs in the Ukraine cause the amount of vacation days they seem to get are amazing. πŸ™‚
  11. She'd have to touch herself to bate. πŸ˜‰ But it did look like she used a torch at times. πŸ™‚
  12. I see it was a night of sexual abandonment with all sorts going on. πŸ™‚
  13. First time I've heard fruit used to describe a pair of tits. πŸ™‚ Thinking about it as I type, did you mean packing a couple of melons. πŸ™‚
  14. I know they left, maybe for B4 and Megan's room later on. Hence my previous post. πŸ˜‰
  15. Megan and Holly could go to B1 hence leaving Megan's room for Nelly and Martina. πŸ™‚
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