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Everything posted by HappyChappie

  1. That's one strong piece of material Serafima is using to keep those big boobs in. πŸ™‚
  2. For myself, being as I can't understand a word they say 99.9% of the time, would rather they got their tits and asses out. πŸ™‚
  3. Gina is so drunk, if I was as drunk I couldn't sing in silence. πŸ™‚
  4. My Nan loves the Daniel ODonnell version of that. πŸ™‚ And if you think I'm posting that you've got another thing coming. πŸ™‚
  5. Gina is waiting for a reply, I do actually feel sorry for her. You are beautiful Gina don't let them get you down.
  6. And it's a good opinion, but shared in a different forum, a covid forum maybe. πŸ˜‰
  7. She's missing her man. Post your covid ideas somewhere else.
  8. We have a vaccine for it now, it'll be rolled out through out the world be this time next year. I'm sure there's a covid-19 thread somewhere in these forums, use it. Don't spread your bollocks about it here.
  9. Gina just made a voice mail be the sounds of it, she was quite emotional while making it. She looks sad. Things will pick up Gina. πŸ™‚
  10. I think I'm starting to like Monica, she a good looking woman with a banging body. I wouldn't mind. πŸ™‚
  11. This porn they are watching has a voice over, is this you Noldus? πŸ™‚ I'd expect a geordie voice over. πŸ™‚
  12. So who won in the card game? I'd win if I was playing, I'd beat you all. Cause I'd cheap something rotten. πŸ™‚
  13. If a man's life had a safety feature it as to be Amalia's ass, you could be walking along and trip over something and land head first on Amalia's ass, a nice soft landing. A man's life safety feature we'd all like in life. πŸ™‚
  14. You should watch some of the other girls, so it doesn't get repetative. πŸ™‚
  15. Not too long ago we had 4-5 girls bating on the same bed, I should put this inthe B4 thread shouldn't I. πŸ™‚
  16. Serafima is getting there though, we can only wait for the joy.
  17. No mortal man gets three joys on the same night. πŸ™‚
  18. Ah shit, I was expecting some fun here tonight and they're all asleep.
  19. I could, I really really could play with Amalia's ass checks all day long. πŸ™‚
  20. You're looking for a 'et tu brute' moment on Caesar. πŸ˜„
  21. I think Gina could be good for Holly, only because both girls can be a little silly. I don't know the age range between any of these girls. Gina and Holly maybe around the same age and have a similiar sense of a humour. I'd like to see how they get along.
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