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Everything posted by RdKing

  1. Probably not but some people here see brothers and sisters everywhere. Like the one who thinks that Taylor and Masha's last girl guest must be sisters since they have similar tattoos 🤪
  2. If only Paul wasn't Paul we could get some action. Clueless and useless.
  3. RLC should open a Gay RLC website for all the dick lovers 😒🤮
  4. Il est évident que c'est elle qui fait tout le travail. Lui, il se laisse faire, ce qui est bien de temps a autre mais ne devrait pas être la norme.
  5. I don't recall anyone saying that Paul forced himself on Leora moving to Prague. It was her choice but it was not our choice (and should not be); however, we are allowed to bitch about his inadequacy just like most people would express their dislike of him while they were in Russia and that include the ones that use the emoticons constantly (hypocrites).
  6. The quetion should be how many time did Leora fuck paul
  7. It's all good to me. I much prefer to see het bate on her own than seeing Paul's lack of everything.
  8. Does the blonde one only owns one pair of pants? She,s been wearing them since she arrived. I hope she at least have more than one set of underwear. She remins me a little of Sera, same miserable look.
  9. Julia (Eric) was doing it all the time also 🤮
  10. Poor Britney, back to her appartment with the 2 miserable ones 😒
  11. I don't even want to see her do anything on cam except leaving!
  12. You definetely got the wrong planet, your are stuck in Uranus!
  13. RLC pourrait bien mettre cet appartement en UM de façon permanente et je ne verrais pas la différence. Depuis le départ de Marlene, rien a voir ici.
  14. Only she, knows if she is happy or not. For myself, I admit that I am not happy with what she provides me, not enough time for her fans. Even when she was in Russia with Paul she had enough time for us. People change so does life, who knows what's in the future.
  15. The best is definetely behind. Sex with the sloth is cold and emotioneless. She should retire very soon and save some embarassment. She hardly ever bates for her fans anymore. Glad we have Jimbo sharing his library with us, her best moments are in there. Thank you Leora for the great years!
  16. That's Paul for you! Washes (soaks) himself after sex not before 🤮. That gay theory makes sense more and more.
  17. Looks pretty dead to me just like the rest of him. I don't see lube helping him any but maybe Viagra would help...maybe
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