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Posts posted by RdKing

  1. 25 minutes ago, RdKing said:

    Thank you Leora for another beautiful boring day. It would be nice to see some friends of yours, male or female who cares, anybody... Just so we can see you more in a social environment. Always seeing the same nothing over and over is getting extremely boring. You can't have it all, guess life has not taught you that lesson yet. I am not a big fan of Malia but at least there was interaction in that apt while she was there so why can't you find another female friend and invite her over once in a while. Just give us (me) something that will revive my interest in you.


    Oh and BTW, don't forget to send one of you toy, Mr, pink, Blue or Black to Masterchef... he really misses them!! 😂🤣

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  2. Thank you Leora for another beautiful boring day. It would be nice to see some friends of yours, male or female who cares, anybody... Just so we can see you more in a social environment. Always seeing the same nothing over and over is getting extremely boring. You can't have it all, guess life has not taught you that lesson yet. I am not a big fan of Malia but at least there was interaction in that apt while she was there so why can't you find another female friend and invite her over once in a while. Just give us (me) something that will revive my interest in you.


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  3. 5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    You are right . I know shit ☺️😇 I live it to the experts and the ones that know more than me to enlighten anyone of us here with their knowledge 😇😎 


    About the place I live , you and around 2 million people per year are unlucky that need to pay for whatever I have here and has led to my mental disorder as you say 😇

    There you go again, assuming you know what other people think or do! You must be related to Aladino or maybe are the same person. BTW, I've been around your part of the world and have not much good to say when it comes to Greeks, except for the ladies of course. I'll do the smart thing and will add you to my ignore list 😷crazy cuckoo GIF

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  4. 6 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Many times I said it , let me repeat once more .. if you love someone as you claim that you do , you move seas and mountains to see this person . The easiest she could do is to fly over there , she had the chance very very easily , if we say that for him was difficult to come in Europe . 


    Have we seen searching any flights or speaking openly together about that ? Have we seen any real “ stress “ or “ sadness “ and “ disappointment “  from Leora that Paul isn’t there ? Or how much Paul has tried to be there  ( that we don’t know of course .. ) ? If I love someone , that someone becomes my top priority .. if there was no guy emotionally involved  for Leora in Prague , I think she would be more active . I don’t say that she loves her current guy ( how can she if he is - another - boy toy for her by not having a normal relationship ) , but after such a long time , the feelings have grown . And this is what causes the tears , the smiles , the ups and downs . It is only these childish teenager relationships that we used to have , that we would go home after playing with our friends only to try and phone and listen to the boyfriend / girlfriend for some minutes , if you were a boy , you should have most of the times arrange before what time to phone so as not the father or the brother of the girl picks up 😂🤣 ( nice innocent years and this is what I see of what Leora believes she has , which can be totally understandable if she never had the chance to live this when she was a teenager ) 


    Last but not least , I can assure you that there have been dozens of girls that have tried to reach Barcelona by train from the borders of either Russia or Ukraine since they couldn’t make the journey by plane . For what I can tell and since Leora didn’t even try to visit Paul , he could go to Moscow and then slowly to Prague , if it was for him such  an enormous deal . Of course you can tell about work and so on but really ? The person you love isn’t the most that matters ? Therefore , this is since a long long long time over and for whoever denies to see it , it is like the American romance movies that need to have a happy ending . 

    You need to get out of that small island you call home. It obviously affect your mental health!! Like everyone here, you know shit when it comes to Leora except for that crap you make up 💩💩

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  5. 17 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    People aren’t allowed to post anything else than positive things here , it is only about praising  .. whenever anyone posts the real situation ( which is boredom and repeat at the maximum level and whoever doesn’t  see it is definitely prejudiced for Leora ) he/she either belongs to the haters or to the people who want to make Leora feel bad ( because apparently she takes so much notice of the comments posted here .. ) . 

    A woman that plays with two men over their feelings , a woman that she’s screwing a guy in Prague but at the same time keeps “ alive “ a whatever relationship she has with her ex , a woman that she’s joking with a guy in Prague by not allowing him have a normal relationship with her  for whatever reasons ( that we can’t comment or post here our thoughts because poor Santa Leora de Krasnoyarsk can’t be hurt and feel sad by the comments against her ) . 

    Then you can wonder why it is so quiet here . As always , my opinion of course ☺️

    You are Jim?? 

    • Upvote 3
  6. 1 minute ago, masterchef56 said:

    Thank you my lovely Leora,it was a very nice bate as usual,but have you become an enemy with your little friend Mr.Pink.

    I really miss him,so maybe next time or Mr.Blue or Mr.Black.I really like that dressing-gown you´re wearing,suits you well.

    A really nice orgasm and very loud too,loved it so keep up the good work,girl.Love you always Leora and as usual a big

    kiss somewhere I know you want it.

    You really think she would want you to kiss her anywhere on her body??? OMG you need serious help!! 😱🤣

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  7. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:

    It was an absolute personal decision by her ( I still doubt that she discussed it with Paul thoroughly .. ) to abandon anything she had in Russia ( both  good and bad things concerning her life there  ) in order to move in Europe and the western way of life which obviously and inevitably got her “charmed “ , “ fascinated “ , gave her the magic dust that she was always dreaming that she would get as a Queen with the results after more than two years being obvious in our screens and her daily life activities . 

    The funny thing is if we could ask anyone here if it was US , YOU , ME , is this the way of life we would like to have ? Is this the way you would like to live ? Is this way of life the one that we would also adapt since as it seems is encouraged by the members here in daily basis ? I guess , like the majority of people here and the continuous supporting comments ,  they  would like to live like Leora , in an empty , undecorated , foreign and feeling lonely apartment , without real life friends and the only company inside the apartment an IPAD an IPhone and a TV … where am I wrong ? 

    As per any animal inside the apartment , i think it is also a decision like the general rule that she has .. nobody enters this apartment except the queen herself , otherwise the attention will go away from her and the comments will be regarding anything or anyone else who would be “ stealing “ much of the attention which is centered all about her .. it is called vanity … 

    To be fair, you can't compare the US, YOU or ME as we are not in her situation 

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  8. 4 hours ago, ddhm said:

    I will make a simple comment today . I will agree with anything that anyone says , let’s say mostly the “ broken record “ characterization ..BUT..


    Can it be that I am simply carried away also by Leora’s “broken record “ actions ? Come on Leora , show / do / give / say / express / act / behave differently than ;

    Act 1 - wake up 

    Act 2 - prepare to go out 

    Act 3 - come back home and prepare the ordered food 

    Act 4 - turn on the TV and the IPAD also on in the bedroom 

    Act 5 - something sexy to wear , no underwear and  camera choosing according to the mood 

    Act 6 - mobile in hand for a bit of social media browsing , touching the kitten at the same time , a fast perhaps phonecall to Paul or a short / long disappearance in a private place for phonecalls regarding personal issues 

    Act 7 - careful check of RLC’s activity leading ultimately to the daily masturbation 

    Act 8 - food or snacks preparation before going to bed 

    Act 9 - at bed with mobile browsing or a bit of IPAD watching , depending on how tired she has been or the interest of her mobile messages exchange , ending with a short call to Paul 

    Act 10 - Sleep 


    I am a “ broken record “ maybe because I don’t do anything everyday than repeating the above 10 daily Acts of Leora .


    I wish  it was different , I wish I could see a pattern of her so as with her studies , daily awakening so as to go to an outside job and be active the whole day and not sleep till afternoon with so many interruptions while sleeping , I wish i could see her decorating her apartment so as to feel it as her home, I wish I could see her making a puzzle , knitting like she did some weeks ago , trying to cook , learn and study and do homework publicly , do some fitness exercise publicly , sharing her sexy image , I WOULD LIKE THAT I SEE ANYTHING DIFFERENT than the earlier mentioned daily 10 ACTS … I didn’t say visitors / fun / talks / change of apartment mood , socializing , laughs, emotions , new people that the forum here can talk about , think about , criticize about , because there’s no point when Leora isn’t doing anything different than what she does everyday, how can I ask that she does individually with people inside ?


    I have no problems with anyone and I am trying to be fair , I express my opinion and my thoughts , i often ask questions in which either there are no answers or people ignore or simply because they know I am right and they stay silent. Like the majority here I am a fan of Leora but a fan who is judgmental because he wants to watch as much as better content from a person he likes and adores . And as long as I am not getting it , I can’t but not express my annoyance in a way that personally fits my personality and without insulting  the personality of either her or anyone else’s here . 

    Conclusion .. ddhm is a broken record but Leora is a whole “ record label “ that “sells “ the same thing day in day out . I hear the same record , I can’t but not repeat myself ( and sorry for not having a nice voice 😂

    I agree with you. I can understand that she will not invite her BF in for whatever reason; however, I would be happy if she brings in a GF from time to time to socialize and possibly continue from where she left off with Malia.. but progressing faster 😋

  9. 11 hours ago, masterchef56 said:

    Well you tricky girl,there you almost fooled us all when you turned off the light and we all certainly thought  there´s not

    going to be any bate tonight.But you always surprise me/us so thank you for the bate,nice with your fast little fingers,loved it.

    The only thing I´m a little disappointed about is that you turned off the light,please don´t,but thank you for turnd down the volume

    so could hear you loud and clear,loved that too.And to see you get so knocked out by the orgasm is priceless.Love you always Leora

    and a big,big kiss anywhere you like it.

    Tired Sick Of It GIF by U by Kotex Brand

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  10. 54 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

    Why is this top cam? Why do you guys give any cam to Mila. 1. She doesn't do anything for us viewers unless forced to by Radi. 2. They have introduced this fucking light not for a romantic setting but to fuck with the cameras and you all contribute to this continuing. More and more we see the introduction of lighting to mess with the cameras and when you make them top cam you only add to the issue. 

    Agree! and Mila under the blanket again... this whole apartment sucks big time.

  11. 2 hours ago, thinga69 said:

    Another BS excuse is the "low bonus". If there is really a bonus for more time as top cam or top replay this were agreed when they signed their contracts and should be all there. So they could bate under cover if they find too low from the beginning, but I don't think that RLC changed the values wile they are there. Probably nothing on their contract prohibit them to cover them self, only the cams.


    So if this girls are bating covered is their decision  alone and nothing else.   

    You are missing the point that this is supposed to be real life. So bating under the blanket when you are alone is real life? They should act like there are no cams. I don't mind if she hides her face but her body is not bad to look at 😆

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